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artist for hire
Thurs. 01.13.05 - 7:32 p.m.

Feeling: stressed
Listening: incessant whining and neediness

I feel like i'm going to snap at the next person that even LOOKS at me. I'm having one of those days weeks where EVERYONE wants EVERYTHING from me. Hey how do you do this? How does this look? What do you think of this? What would YOU do?

FUQ. I DON'T KNOW. Use YOUR brain. I mean, i realize my job is to be CREATIVE and to ADVISE people. But NO WHERE in my job description does it require of me to be a DOORMAT. I feel like i'm being pulled in a million directions at once, ALL DAY LONG. I'm SO aggravated and annoyed by the human population in general. I called a friend, figuring i would cheer up. He said, "hey do me a favor.. smile?" and i know he meant well, but all it did was just serve to annoy the hell out of me. NO! i don't want to smile! i'm annoyed! smiling isn't going to make me feel better! don't belittle me or my feelings.


I ended up calling monkey, as i had a question for him regarding something else.. and ended up venting to him a bit. He listened, then gave me some sound advice, as usual. I immediately calmed down and have to admit, though this entry started out rather bad.. i am feeling a lot better having just talked to him. It's times like this that make me realize how important he's become in my life and the thought of moving away just makes me sad. I really do love having him around but i know deep down it won't be this way forever..


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