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05.16.04 - 12:38 a.m.


there's not going to be a part 2 for the previous entry.

I don't really feel like dragging it on.

I just got home from work. i cried for a little while.

today.. yeah not one of my best days. I feel stupid and guilty about last night. I'm allowed to have fun but i feel like i sent the wrong message.. that person who messes around like that on a first date.. that's not me.

All fucking day i had to deal with questions about the stupid hickeys (yes the bastard left some) on my neck. And then there's the whole MY LIPS ARE SO SORE they feel like they're sunburned. not to mention my chine, my cheeks.. FUCK people, SHAVE ok?!

Ethan came back.

I was at work and Y kept fuckign calling me. he also paged me. I got scared something had happened. i called him back. he was worried about me- hadn't heard from me in a few days, wanted to know i was alright.

and here it fucking is: of allllll the people in my life MY FUCKING EX BOYFRIEND is the one who worries about me. worries that i'm safe. that i got home alright after working until close to midnight.

i'm just so... FUCKING tired of it all.


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