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wicked hella choken
Sat. 03.27.04 - 4:30 p.m.

Feeling: worldly
Listening: Jazz coming from M's room

I love my roommates, did i tell you?

hehe so i've had the "pidgin" talk with the roommates. Explained to them that it's the way people from Hawaii, talk. They've asked me before to say a sentence, but really, they practically had to beat it out of me. I'm not in the least ashamed of where i'm from.. i'm very proud of it and i think it's fascinating and unlike anything else. With that in mind, i was also taught at a very young age when to tone it down. I remember in high school (where it's acceptable for students, even TEACHERS to use pidgin) a teacher saying that if any of us ever talked this way "on the mainland" people would view us as ignorant. I think that stuck and for that reason, i try not to use it unless i'm back home in Hawaii.

Today, M was complaining that he was hungry but was in the mood for something "different". I told him i'd made Somen Salad. It's a Japanese salad with noodles and other stuff. While i prepared everything else, i put M in charge of the noodles. Hey, he's italian, shouldn't be too hard, right? hehe.. dude started cracking up when he read the package describing somen noodles as "Japanese Vermicelli."

"That's like proclaiming something Italian sushi!"

hehe Cut to us eating. I asked him if he was pau with the dressing or something. Apparently i was so comfortable i didn't realize i had used the word pau.. until he looked at me with this puzzled look on his face and asked "what?"

"oops, i meant are you done?"

"no, what did you SAY."

"haha i said are you done."

"no the word! what was that word"

I explained that Pau means done/finished.

And so it began..

We spent the last hour eating Somen Salad and trading Boston lingo and Pidgin. I'd teach him a word and have him say another word in his accent in exchange. Though there was really more Pidgin flyin' around than anything else. Can i just say that boston accent's hella cool? hehe I tried to get him to say more stuff with that accent but he said, "you already KNOW how to speak like that. like when you say the word 'store' you say 'stoa' instead. i told you, you're like a japanese immigrant trying to speak east coast." LMAO

Then he insisted I "teach" him how to talk pidgin. It was then that we came up with a phrase for cool stuff "wicked hella choken."

i also taught him:
dakine = stuff. hehe that's all i can describe it as
pau = done
choken = a lot
da = the
stay = this is another word that's too complicated to explain but i used it in an example to him where if i wanted to say "i'm going to the store" instead you'd say "i stay go to da stoa"

after this, i taught him the word "bumbai." I told him that bumbai means 'later' on.

M: "So if i want to say i'm going to the store later on, i say 'i stay go to da stoa bumbai'?"

Me: "well yeah, that's fine. but locals would probably say 'bumbai i stay go to da stoa"

This is when he stood up and said he didn't want to learn pidgin anymore cuz it would probably mess up his english.

"i'll be in class making a presentation and all of a sudden the word Pau will pop out of my mouth"

hehehe.. nutten wrong wit dat, ha?

As i was writing this just now, he came in my room to show off a backpack he had in his room. The brand name (which was all over the bag) was Dakine. lol

another fine citizen brought over to the dark side. *evil laugh*


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