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a different kind of quickie
Sun. 04.25.04 - 9:58 a.m.

Feeling: mm mm good. hmm.. whose slogan is that?
Listening: computer humming

ooh an entry!

hehe I feel hyped EVEN THOUGH i have to leave for work in about half an hour. it feels weird typing that. i have a job. scary. I'm actually kinda wicked nervous. But I'm trying not to think about it.

I'm also very surprised i'm not still feeling the effects of all that cranberry juice & vodka yesterday. Stupid move on my part, i know. hehe you should have been there to read the IM conversation I had. My wonderful friend was kind enough to send it back to me after a couple of hours.

hehe.. hey at least i learned something from it all- when i drink i get emotional. Emotional can be carried out in two ways. There's lovey dovey i want to touch everyone emotional. And then there's pouty, somber, defensive emotional. The conclusion to this experiment? Always drink alone.

work work work. did say i'm nervous? maybe that's why i'm typing this entry about nothing. i need something to do with my hands. argh.

So one of the things i'm nervous about (this is where i come across as a complete retard causing everying to wonder whether or not i've lived in a bubble for the past 23 years) is the fact that we have lockers at work- and i've never in my life ever used a locker. Um.. or a combination lock. I'm already nervous about trying to figure out the stupid thing. hehe check this out:

hamak0san: i've never used a locker before
John: um
John: like ever?
hamak0san: ever
John: have you ever used a combination lock before?
hamak0san: no
John: does your house have a lock on its door?
hamak0san: haha hush ok
hamak0san: you're no help, ya know?
John: I wasn't joking! It was a legitimate question

I'm actually eating 'breakfast' right now. I figure knowing me i wont take a "real" lunch break later so i might as well get some food in me before i leave. I'm eating ravioli. I already have my clothes on for work.

Woo! Talk about living dangerously.


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