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Merrie Monarch Festival
Mon. 04.19.04 - 11:37 a.m.

Feeling: cold and frustrated
Listening: my sacrifice - creed

The Merrie Monarch Festival was held over the weekend in Hawaii.

Hawaiian dancers from all over flock to Hi|o on the Big Is|and every year to compete for certain titles. While there ARE male dancers, the most coveted title (read: the one that gets the most attention) is that of Miss Aloha Hula.

I think I heard something about the girl that won the title this year for Miss Aloha Hula being a resident of San Francisco. Kinda cool.

If you're interested in seeing what REAL hula is like (not the crap you see from Hollywood), check out this page for some clips from the festival.

I don't think my thyroid medication is working right. I actually haven't been feeling right for a while but I really wanted to believe that everything was ok. I did a little research and came across a lot of information regarding the claim that even though blood tests show that my thyroid is normal, many people on medication to treat it still experience the same symptoms they had BEFORE the received "treatment". aka - the medication APPEARS to work, but not completely. ehh i'll write more on this later but i'm just too depressed/aggravated to think about it right now.

Go check out those video clips. They're worth it.


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