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Impressions and why 29=Good and 30=Bad
Sat. 04.17.04 - 10:41 p.m.

Feeling: tired & hypocritical
Listening: my sacrifice - creed
Quote: "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." -Anais Nin

I want to know WHY, 65% of the time I get hit on, it�s by someone over the age of 30.

I'm approaching 24. I think I look my age, if not younger. I know I definitely act it, so it�s not that I come across as older. This leads me to believe that I must have a sign on my back that says "persons under thirty need not apply".

Wanna know what else? Just the THOUGHT of having a romantic encounter with anyone over the age of 30, is enough to send me running for the nearest door. I have NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with a guy that's 29. If anything, i'd be more open to date him than I would someone closer to my age as I'd prefer to date people that have had a lot more experience in the world thus they know what they want and have no time for foolishness. But as soon as they say "I'm thirty-" I tense up. I realize that sounds super stupid. Age is just a number and this 30plus = Scary is all in my head.

*sigh* Ok i'm going to admit something here. Remember that guy from my apartment complex in San Jose? He was actually pretty cute and while he looked about 27/28... he was 32. argh- that contributed to me being a little hesitant to go out with him. IN MY DEFENSE, that WAS NOT why I chose not to take him up on his offer to hang out. There were other things, that i'm not going to go into. But yeah, i got a little uncomfortable when I found out how old he was. I hope that doesn't make me sound shallow. blah.

The funny thing is, all of my friends (aside from the ones back in Hawaii) are at least 28. Most are 30-35. But for some reason, the idea of DATING anyone over 30, kindasorta creeps me out. I�m not sure why, but just seeing the number 3 as the first number in their age scares me off. Stupid, huh? Yeah, I know. Just goes to show how immature I am, I suppose.

Great, like I needed more proof. *sigh*

Hmm. How funny. That actually reminds me of something. A friend of mine recommended the movie �Kissing Jessica Stein� to me a few months ago. Well, I finally watched it today (ok so I lie and I only managed to get through 30 minutes with my ADD self). If you haven�t seen it, let me summarize (from what I know so far). She�s a single, Jewish girl living in New York where she works as a journalist. Looking to change her status as a single woman, she goes on a fair amount of dates but the men she meets always seem to have some wacky characteristic. At one point, someone suggests that maybe the problem isn�t with the men she dates but with her. This friend then goes on to quote Anais Nin:

"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."

Kind of makes you think, doesn�t it.

Hmm.. not to negate the quote because i really am going to make a conscious effort to be more open-minded (even though i thought i already was, but whatever), but i have to point out that the 30something guys that try to talk to me are REALLY 30. Really 30 = Dad-like. An example to me of a guy that's 30 and not "REAL 30", is my friend Jim. He's 29. Next year he'll be 30.. but while he's responsible and intelligent, he's not "old" in the way that i seem to view 30 year-old men. Also, while my friend John is 28 1. He doesn't act "OLD". He's definitely responsible, educated and established but yeah, not "grown-uppy" like i seem to associate to men over 30. hehe 2. In my messed up head, 28 is FAR far far from 30.

If I met someone that was 30 and interested in me romantically, (while admittedly i WOULD stereotype them at first) I'd try to ignore my foolish thinking and put forth a real effort to get to know them.

ehh i hope this makes sense and I don't just come off as a shallow idiot. Though nothing that makes sense to me ever seems to make sense to anyone else.


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