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The Dating Game
Wed. 05.12.04 - 3:44 p.m.

Feeling: nervous. sort of. I just want Friday to be over with.
Listening: so gone - monica
Quote: "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost." -Gilbert K. Chesterton

I got asked out for Friday night. He seems like a nice guy (from what i know after just a week or so). He's around my age, lives one city over and is in the Coast Guard.

I'm going because 1. i said i'd start dating in May (nevermind if what i MEANT was May 2005). 2. i need to just do this for the hell of it. even if i don't want to, i just should. because yeah.

So we've talked on the phone a few times and he seems pretty sweet. Though don't they all? He joked (because i STILL have not gotten rid of my cold and sniffles) that he's going to bring me some cold medicine on Friday (instead of the typical flowers).

Can I just say, if he brings me anything, i'm going to be upset. Why do people have to give stuff? i hate it. It's so uncomfortable and not necessary.

Anyway, he suggested dinner at the wharf and stuff but I told him I just wanted to take it easy. That we could hang out at the pier and just play it by ear. (Hey look at that, i rhymed) I don't even want to call it a date but like a friend of mine said "call it whatever you want, it's still a date."

Fine. Social gathering. And can i also just say.. IT'S NOTHING. I don't expect anything to come out of this. I don't even WANT anything to come out of this. I DEFINITELY don't want to get serious with this guy. I just want to go out, have a nice time and make a new friend. NOTHING SERIOUS. AT. ALL. I MEAN IT.

Chances are we won't click in person and this speech will have been for nothing. I'm cool either way. I'd rather not have the potential for drama anyhow.

I've only told M (for safety purposes), my all-knowing friend who shall henceforth be known as Buddha (for advice), and John (because i tell him pretty much everything i guess). Other than that, I dont want anyone else to know. It's just easier that way.

buddha: wharf ok place. pretty safe both at night n day
hamak0san: ok cuz it'll be friday night
hamak0san: i work till 7pm..get home around 8pm.. won't make it there till like 10pm
buddha: you�ll even get one of those flowers in a balloon. i guarantee it ahaha
hamak0san: lol oh god. i hope not. i hate getting things
buddha: you�re the worst date ever
hamak0san: lol whyy
buddha: some guys do like to feel like they�re doing something for the girl, u know
hamak0san: i don't want crap. it makes me feel SUPER uncomfortable
buddha: not all guys hate buying gifts and stuff for girls
hamak0san: lol
hamak0san: argh
hamak0san: that sucks
hamak0san: so i have to friggin take it?
buddha: yes
buddha: be appreciative
buddha: and do whatever u want with it later
hamak0san: i AM appreciative!
hamak0san: i appreciate the thought immensely
buddha: sure as hell don�t sound like it missy
buddha: u "argh"ed it
buddha: n called it crap
hamak0san: because it makes me feel uncomfortable
buddha: see one day it�s gonna bite u on the ass
hamak0san: why
buddha: u'll be in a long term loving relationship n u'll be waiting for him to give u something, what all girls eventually want. n he wont.
buddha: n u'll think. damm that buddha. he jinxed me
hamak0san: haha
hamak0san: well it's diff with a boyfriend
hamak0san: you're more comfortable and stuff
hamak0san: and it means more
buddha: same diff
hamak0san: not to me
buddha: free stuff is free stuff
hamak0san: its not about free stuff.. it's about the thought behind it
hamak0san: with a date.. it's like "i HAVE to give this to her. i HAVE to impress her" it's just weird and uncomfortable
hamak0san: with a bf.. it's more "i really like her, i thought about her today, i want to give her something to let her know that"
buddha: if i went out with a girl for the 1st time n she decides to buy me an xbox. i wouldnt turn her away
hamak0san: hahah
buddha: esp if shes cute n the thought behind it is "lets fuck"
buddha: thats special right there
hamak0san: ROTFLMAO


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