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Turkey's Done!
Wed. 12.01.04 - 6:42 p.m.

Feeling: manageably stressed
Listening: some hit song

So how was my Thanksgiving weekend, you wonder?

Well.. it was really rough at times and it was a lot of fun at others. I sort of realized in the process just how bad my friendship with Adam has gotten. He doesn't see me as a friend at all anymore, nor does he respect me much. It hurts me a lot but all i can do is learn from it i suppose. He text messaged me the night he flew back home.. to say goodnight. I never messaged him back. Then this morning he messaged me to say good morning, that it was cold there in San Diego. I did message him back, made a little joke about the weather here being cold as well.. and that was that. I'm trying to let go of the friendship gracefully.

Speaking of friendships.. i mentioned to John how i've been a little scared about visiting him for New Year's.. and I felt like he got a little snippy with me. Maybe it's understandable, given the reason for my being scared is BECAUSE of him.. but still.. i feel a little different with him now. I don't know if it's just me, if it was always there and only now i'm seeing it, or it just developed recently. Whatever the case.. i'm resigned to the fact that i'm spending the new year in san diego. No matter how scared i am. blah.

I'm not really in the mood to write.. i've been trying to keep my mind off things lately, because of the stress of the last week. One good thing came out of it though.. my room got painted! I have pictures, which i'll post maybe this weekend.

in the meantime.. back to work.


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