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Going Places
Sun. 03.07.04 - 12:07 p.m.


I'm so excited! I've been talking to a lot of my friends and this year is going to be SO much busier than i thought. How exciting! AND what's even better, is i think i'm gonna get to keep one of my New Year's Resolutions regarding travel and all that. Here's all the people/places i'll probably see within the next couple months:

End of March/Early April: I'm visiting Rho in SEATTLE! I've never been to Seattle, and i'm SO excited. I was also supposed to hook up with another friend there too, but i think that'll have to wait for another trip because i won't have much time with Rho. Hopefully i'll be forgiven for that. heh

April: Rho's coming to visit! yippee, my first guest. so excited!

End of April: VEGAS! Thai and her sister want to go. It's not definite, everything's still up in the air.. but it's a possibility.

End of June: San Diego. I figure since the Scr@p Exp0 is heading there, i MIGHT AS WELL go see the boy who's turned out to be one of my closest friends in the past couple of weeks. It's funny how life turns out that way. anyhow, yes. San Diego. never been there either. I hear there's a lot of palm trees and notsomuch garlic. hehehe

July: This isn't really far away, but Thai and her sister are planning a camping trip for July 4th weekend near Santa Cruz. I'VE NEVER BEEN CAMPING HERE! hehe.. i've only gone in Hawaii. Which, i guess, is different. hehe.. go figure.

August: Melz comes to visit! SO HAPPY! Finally someone from Hawaii visits again. I'm the most excited about this, i think. Because i get to show people around!! yay!

Pohae (also from Hawaii) is coming to visit too, but i can't remember what month and we're still trying to figure out the details. I might actually have to fly to vegas to see her, cuz she might not be able to come out HERE. AND my step-sister (in Oregon) is bugging me to take a trip up as well. I told her after i get settled in. Seeing as how May is the only month that nothing is really going on (besides a MILLION BIRTHDAYS) i might go then.

MY LIFE IS SO EXCITING! hehe.. we'll see how it REALLY turns out though.


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