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Random Moments
Sun. 03.07.04 - 11:20 a.m.


While I was in SJ on Thurs and Fri, i stayed with my friend Thai. It was a lot of fun. There were some moments that stood out in my mind that i kind of wanted to remember.

I slept on a bunk bed! hehe.. i don't think i've done that since i was 12. but it was cool. In a "i feel like i'm in the movie, BIG" sort of way.

Friday morning, when i woke up.. i was at the kitchen table eating breakfast with Matteo (my friend's 5-yo son) and I had my hair up. He goes "Casey, i like it when you have your hair down." I laughed and said "oh yeah?" to which he replied "yeah. but you can wear it up for today." hehehe.. the little rugrat.

Thursday night, Thai, John (her husband) and I were watching tv. Matteo had fallen asleep on the couch so John picked him up to carry him off to bed.. and as he lifted him up in his arms and walked out of the living room, he kissed Matteo's forehead.. and i swear i melted. It's not that i grew up with an unloving father, it's that he was just never there.. so i can't remember ever being exposed to that. Sure, my grandpa was around and he was awesome, but again.. there's a difference somehow. I dunno, i guess it just made me think to myself.. I REALLY can't wait for the day I have a family of my own. I think it's just such an amazing and fulfilling part of life.

Another moment that stood out, and surprised me, really, was when Thai and I were somewhere with her sister and she goes.. "hey guys, look at me.. do i look like i'm a size 14? Do these pants look like a size 14?" i SWEAR she looks SO good and it just goes to show how people get stuck on numbers. Seriously, I've always thought she looked great and i honestly thought she looked the best i've ever seen her. She's not that much taller than me, either, so you know what? I don't give a damn about numbers anymore.. because it's about how you feel, and if you're 'healthy', right? SO yay to feeling great about those 10+ sizes, ladies! Oh yeah, i was thinking about this too the other day. When i was 19, i could fit in a size 6. I recently looked back at some of the pictures.. and i honestly thought to myself that was a little too thin for me. Weird. I must be getting wiser older or something.

hehe.. last, but not least. I think i've said before that i would consider getting my belly button pierced. I think, after this weekend.. if there had ever been a doubt in my mind as to why i SHOULDN'T get one, THIS WEEKEND DID IT FOR ME. hehe.. Thai got the bright idea to get her nose pierced. She has a low tolerance for pain. The whole thing went horribly wrong (they didn't puncture a clean hole through her skin) so when they went to put the stud in, it wouldn't go in. They had to take it out, poke a hole through again with a needle, then stick the stud in. SHE WAS SCREAMING. yeah, i don't like seeing people in pain.. and it's even WORSE when they're your friend! the whole thing kinda freaked me out but i was calm and didn't say a word as Thai was foolish enough to have had her children with her when she, her sister and i went to the tattoo parlor. Granted, they were in another room and i tried my best to distract them, but you could still hear her. The whole thing was just bad, and the children are fine.. she's actually an excellent mother, just.. a bad decision on her part for the moment.. but who am i to judge. i WOULD like to point out though that it was an *upscale* tattoo parlor. How's that for an oxymoron, eh? hehe. Where was i going with this? oh yeah.

so yes, no belly ring for me. not in a million years.


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