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and the day is just beginning..
Tues. 02.24.04 - 11:54 a.m.


well this day's certainly going well.

i locked us out of the u-h@ul.


hamakosan: i locked the uhaul by accidenty
Jim: how is that possible
hamakosan: lol you forget that i'm casey
hamakosan: and i make the impossible happen
Jim: wait. so wat happened
hamakosan: fudge!
hamakosan: hehe so like,
hamakosan: the back part of the truck... well,
hamakosan: we went to go pick up my bed in fremont
hamakosan: after we loaded it, danyo wasn't around when i was closing the door to the back of the truck
hamakosan: and there was a padlock (which i ASSUMED we had the key for) so i locked it
hamakosan: few minutes after that, danyo came to the back of the truck and was like "umm you know we don't have the key for this, right?"
hamakosan: argh.
Jim: << shaking head
Jim: well at least they supplied a lock heheh
hamakosan: so like, right now.. he's downstairs looking through the paperwork (god knows why) when i think he needs to just go back to the uhaul place and tell them what happened so they can unlock it and we can continue the frigging moving! but noooooooo men like to do things the freakin hard way
Jim: bring it back
hamakosan: hhe hey, wanna drive over here and help carry stuff? hehe
Jim: they aint coming out
hamakosan: dude that's what i TOLD HIM.
hamakosan: but some men don't listen =P
Jim: i listen. occasionally
hamakosan: after all.. the person providing the advice is the same person that got them into the situation. hehe
Jim: hmm thats true
hamakosan: the operative word being OCCASIONALLY
Jim: more than occasionally
Jim: like sometimes
hamakosan: again, emphasis on sometimes
hamakosan: hehehe
Jim: girls only make sense sometimes. thats when i listen
Jim: othertimes, u can blah blah all u damm want
hamakosan: hehe i just looked out the door. the u-haul's gone.. so i guess he took it back
hamakosan: hehehhe i can't help but laugh about this now
Jim: whoa, u can park the truck ont he sand pit?
hamakosan: ehh i'm sure i'll get yelled at for it when he comes back
hamakosan: LMAO no not the sand pit.. but there's a parking area right near it
Jim: its still pretty far
hamakosan: well the u-haul place is like 2 blocks away
Jim: the parking area, i meant
hamakosan: oh no not that parking area
hamakosan: there's another one that's a little closer
hamakosan: still a little far to be hauling stuff, but what can ya do, ya know
Jim: at the opposite way of the visitor parking right
hamakosan: yeah
Jim: i helped danyo bring in his 21 monitor u know
hamakosan: haha
hamakosan: yeah i'm a little worried about carryign that thing
Jim: u got any empty moving boxes for jimmy
hamakosan: dude i actually NEED boxes
hamakosan: hehe so no chance of talking you into comin here just to carry stuff? lol
Jim: can i get into ur complex
hamakosan: sure you can
Jim: crap u
hamakosan: hehe aww come on
hamakosan: puhleaaase
hamakosan: i'll buy you lunch =)
Jim: hehe im eating
Jim: gimme 5 mins to finish
hamakosan: hehe ok
hamakosan: thanks
hamakosan: =)
hamakosan: you're the bestest
Jim: im stealing stuff when i get there
hamakosan: haha sure!
Jim: make no doubt about it
hamakosan: i got lotsa crap you can take
hamakosan: hehe
Jim: im not lookin for crap
hamakosan: lol what do you want then
Jim: we shall see
hamakosan: hehe ok


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