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The Grocery List
Fri. 02.06.04 - 10:55 a.m.


hamakosan: i'll be in your neighborhood. need anything? hehe i gotta go to sun jose
jim: u can stop by albertsons for me
jim: lemme give u a list
hamakosan: hehe ok i actually have to go there
jim: grab a pen
hamakosan: yeah im looking
jim: and something bigger than a post it
hamakosan: got it
hamakosan: shoot
jim: 4 1/2 gallon cartons of milk. since u say the clear plastic aint good
1.5lbs of ground beef (10%)
2 ribeyes ~10oz
gallon of minute maid oj high pulp
jim: large box of frosted flakes
hamakosan: hahhaha
hamakosan: laughing about the milk
jim: small box of plain rice krsipies
hamakosan: hahha
hamakosan: any particular milk? 2%, whole, vit D
jim: shit i dont remember. 2 i think
jim: im not too picky on milk
jim: cuz i almost never drink it alone
hamakosan: yeah same here
jim: back to the list
hamakosan: hehe yes sir
jim: 5lbs of those red potatoes
jim: 2 packs of oreos, 1 reg one 1 choc one
jim: more code red
jim: as much as u can lift
jim: and a diet coke
hamakosan: hahhaha
jim: got it?
hamakosan: lol yep!
jim: heheh
hamakosan: hehe ok i'm gonna go now. want me to call you when i'm near?
jim: btw, i only got about $10 on me. so i can pay the difference in newspapers
hamakosan: haha
hamakosan: dun worry about it. hehe
jim: i hope ure not serious bout the whole grocery thing
hamakosan: hehe you mean you weren't?
jim: i was kidding dammit
hamakosan: fucker
hamakosan: i WROTE THAT DOWN!
jim: ahaha
jim: well that was nice of u tho
hamakosan: ugh
jim: thank u casey
hamakosan: "thank u casey for allowing me to have fun at your expense"
jim: i figured u woulda at least suspected something when i said 5lbs of potatoes
jim: hell, even the cartons of milk
hamakosan: well i was wondering about the damn potatoes. but hey! i'm not one to judge.. lmao
hamakosan: haha again, i don't know what you eat but i know you can eat a lot
jim: just drop by and pick up the movie if u want
jim: no need to get me anything
jim: i got food in the house
hamakosan: heh ok
Ljim: does it look like i know how to cook a potato in any way
jim: i cant cook shit


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