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Open-Mouth Britney
Mon. 01.26.04 - 2:26 p.m.


jim: u gotta do something
jim: i wont say what until u agree
jim: and no, its not bad
hamakosan: lol
hamakosan: i'm scared
hamakosan: hehe
jim: yes or no
hamakosan: ok i'll do it..
jim: cool
jim: open mouth britney + ur icon = win
jim: hahaha
jim: now lemme send u the pic
jim: there u go

hamakosan: hahah
hamakosan: what the hell
hamakosan: lol
jim: c'mon. u agreed
jim: not like u would have to see it
hamakosan: what am i supposed to do
jim: make that ur buddy icon for AIM
hamakosan: hahahhha
hamakosan: you're KIDDING
jim: nope
hamakosan: i like the dark haired one better

jim: sorry
jim: it works better this way
jim: I put up dark hair. so when i IM u, u can see
hamakosan: hahah you're sick
jim: so u put up the open mouth so i can see it
hamakosan: haha ok fine, dammit
jim: man. so hard to get people to stick to their words
hamakosan: LOL whatever!
hamakosan: i'm doing it
hamakosan: just gimem a sec
hamakosan: um
hamakosan: hehe can it wait like 15 minutes. hehe i'm talkign to rho and i'm sure she'll notice if my icon changes. she'll ask what the hell is that that and i won�t know what to say
hamakosan: hehe
jim: do it now
hamakosan: lol
hamakosan: fine
hamakosan: !
hamakosan: blah
hamakosan: so demanding
jim: when she asks, say cuz u think its hot
hamakosan: hahah yeah right
jim: for reals
jim: say it
hamakosan: blahh
hamakosan: crap
jim: this is turning out to be a fine day
hamakosan: haha dumbarse
jim: now remember, when anyone asks. just say its hot
jim: u dunno y, but it is
hamakosan: fuhqer
jim: ahahaha

rho: where is the new place
rho: nob hill?
hamakosan: yep
hamakosan: nob hill
rho: Wow....beautiful area
hamakosan: yeah
rho: ummm...explain brittney spears
rho: i just saw your buddy icon

jim: bahaha
hamakosan: hhahahh you dumbass
hamakosan: how am i supposed to explaint his
jim: like i told u
jim: they wont even inquire any further
hamakosan: blahhh i can't believe i got myself into this
jim: trust me
hamakosan: yeah but they'll think 'm gay
hamakosan: not that there's anything wrong with that. hehe
jim: ahaha
jim: u metrosexual
jim: all girls find other girls to be hot sometimes. u r normal
jim: paste me what rho says and how u explain it
jim: heheh
hamakosan: lol
hamakosan: k

hamakosan: heheh..
hamakosan: umm
rho: ahahaha
rho: no explanation????!!!! :-[
hamakosan: um
hamakosan: heheh cuz she's hot?
rho: trudat
rho: girl is sizzling

jim: see!!
hamakosan: hahha shut up ok
jim: << always right
hamakosan: lol
hamakosan: hush ok
jim: when will u finally learn
jim: i have a good understanding of human nature


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