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As Long as it's Close to JTown...
Mon. 01.26.04 - 12:53 p.m.


update update, this just in!! �.BUT i'm too lazy to type, so you'll just have to read this conversation: hehe

hamakosan: hey check this link out.
jim: u? considerate? thats debatable
hamakosan: haha shut up
jim: heheh
hamakosan: the guy sounded hot on the phone though
hamakosan: dammit
hamakosan: he works in the tech industry
hamakosan: and he has a nice voice =))
jim: that neighborhood aint bad
jim: close to haight for ya
hamakosan: oh yeah?
hamakosan: and haight is good?
jim: depends for what
hamakosan: hehe meaning
jim: even tenderloin is good for something. Hookers
hamakosan: hahha
jim: ure forgetting the most important thing. distance from isobune in jtown
jim: lemme see
hamakosan: hehe i know i know.. i've been trying to keep that in mind
jim: ure gonna have to bus it there
[short while later..]
hamakosan: ahhhhhH!!!
hamakosan: j
hamakosan: ahsfljhlkhjy
hamakosan: rwhkkj
hamakosan: i'm so happy!!!!!!
hamakosan: hehehe
hamakosan: heheheheh
hamakosan: sorry can't contian my edcitemnet!!
hamakosan: OOPS CAPS
hamakosan: blah
hamakosan: hehe
hamakosan: ok
hamakosan: whew
jim: happy for wat
hamakosan: hahah you know that house i went to see the other week
hamakosan: witht he 3 girls i liekd
hamakosan: WELL
hamakosan: hehe i just got the thought that hey, they might actually be trying to call my cell (which is already shut off) hehe.. so like, i called one of the girls. heh and she was like "we've been trying to call you!"
hamakosan: i guess they really like me, they still have to meet with antoher girl tonight. but she said "right now, you're number1 on our list"
hamakosan: hehe
hamakosan: this is kinda pathetic though you know. hehe it's like "ooh ooh pick me! pick me!"
jim: i thought that was the share the room one
hamakosan: and i'm a little worried cuz yeah, it's a sharing room thing
hamakosan: but i'm so scared about not finding a place right now
hamakosan: and hey, at least it's in nob hill, the roommates are cool and the apartment rocks
hamakosan: ugh
hamakosan: but yeah.
jim: im sure u can put up with it
jim: just no scrapbooking for u
jim: u need to retire
hamakosan: so i have an appointment to see that guys place on wed.
hamakosan: though i really prefer to be around nob hill
hamakosan: but anyways, i'll keep looking maybe till friday
hamakosan: then let them know
jim: the one u showed me is still in a predominantly white beighborhood as well
jim: heheh
hamakosan: but actually that room, is friggin HUGE. it's like the size of my bedroom and living room.. and my living room ain't small
hamakosan: lol is it really?
hamakosan: i don't really care
jim: yah u do!
hamakosan: hehe but yeah, being next to chinatown and little italy is cool
hamakosan: haha i care?
hamakosan: why do i care. hehe
jim: pls dont call it little italy
hamakosan: fine! north beach
jim: thats so touristy
hamakosan: haha
hamakosan: ok
jim: better
hamakosan: lol
jim: wheres the place on nob hill. street?
jim: its like sacto and
hamakosan: sacramento
hamakosan: and leavenworth i think
hamakosan: ?
jim: oh yah leavenworth. the prison
hamakosan: lol
jim: thata not anywhere near isobune
hamakosan: haha
jim: so will u hurry up n move already
hamakosan: haha why
jim: ur craigslist stuff always takes me from away from more important sites, ie ebay
hamakosan: lmao
hamakosan: oh yes, we cannot keep you from ebay
hamakosan: psh
hamakosan: hehe i just had a thought
hamakosan: dammit.
hamakosan: i'm so scared
hamakosan: (not cuz i had a thought)
hamakosan: haha though that's how it sounded, huh
hamakosan: anwyays!
jim: heheh
jim: no comment
hamakosan: so i'm scared because I REALLLLLLLY like the girls' apartment, location, and theyre wicked cool.. but seriously, the not having my own room thing really sucks
jim: u snore huh
hamakosan: AND hehe i just realized i still have shit to get rid of
hamakosan: like my couch, desk, entertainment center, etc
hamakosan: and i think they said i'd be able to start moving in this weekend. hehe i feel rushed all of a sudden
hamakosan: and yea, i mean i stay up late.. worried about being in the way of other people, you know.. if i had my own room it wouldn't matter
jim: build ur own wall out of construction paper
hamakosan: hahah lord knows i have enough of that, huh
hamakosan: maybe i'll buy a shoji screen or something
jim: sho nuff
hamakosan: do you think that would be rude? hehe though still it wouldn't matter cuz i still would worry about keeping the roommate up
jim: there is a living room geez
hamakosan: heh yeah
hamakosan: but i wont' have the laptop
jim: ill go kick out the downstairs people at my parents house for u heheh
jim: u wont need a computer. theres no internet access on nob hill
jim: neighborhood ordinance
hamakosan: haha whatever i already asked
jim: they lied to u to sell it
hamakosan: lol
jim: u asked. �u guys have DSL or something here?�
jim: they said yah
jim: but they were thikning. well, it depends what u mean by here
hamakosan: hahahhahah
hamakosan: shut up. hehhe
jim: well, i suggest u call up the girl ull be sharing a room with to coffee, lunch, or making out


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