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Freedom of the Press, my ass!
Wed. 09.12.01 - 9:58 p.m.


Ugh! I'm so irritated right now. SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME why the media insists on putting up their stupid banners and logos on the goddamn television?? Do they NOT realize that it blocks up 1/3 of the screen, and in some cases, HALF of the screen?? I've tuned into your station because I want to SEE what's going on. I don't want to watch your stupid logo promoting your greedy company!

And what the hell is up with them feeling that they have to NAME every crisis?

Yesterday, it was "Attack on the U.S."
Today it's "Terrorism in America"

Like it's a freakin MOVIE!

My biggest issue is the fact that they just blurt out any piece of information they can get their hands on without verifying facts first. It's not just the fact that we end up with 5 different versions of the story, it's also the fact that they're BIG MOUTHS. Think about it. We're under attack. There are planes hijacked, moving targets. The World Trade Center has been attacked. The Pentagon is on fire. WHY THE HELL are they announcing our President's whereabouts?? Why do we need intelligence- just turn on your television!

I'm so mad!


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