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NY - Day 1
Fri. 08.31.01 - Really Really late EST


This is part one of four on my diary of my trip to New York. For the sake of anonimity, Girl #1 will be known as "Lisa" and Girl #2 will be known as "Nora."

And so it begins...

I was kinda dreading the flight. See, i've sort of developed a tiny little fear of flying over the past few years. I'm also very restless, so I hate the thought of having to sit still for 5 hours. But I slept almost the whole way, so the flight didn't seem so bad. We landed, got a taxi, and headed for our hotel. On the ride there, we passed La Guardia Airport and I thought to myself.. MAN! I knew we should have checked what the closest airport was. And I even said so when we were booking our flight. But as I think back now on it, I realize that we probably flew into JFK because of the simple reason that Lisa was flying into the same airport. Nevermind the fact that Lisa arrived a day before us and wouldn't be on our return flight either. But whatever, it wasn't that big of a deal.

We get to the hotel and proceed up to our room. Lisa is excited to see us (or maybe just Nora). Now, I have only met her once before and it was only for about 5 minutes. So I didn't really have an impression of her. I thought she was friendly, which calmed my fears about us not getting along on the trip. However, within the first 15 minutes of our arrival, I had this strange feeling- deep down, I felt like I completely didn't relate to her. Now, this is weird for me because I get along with everyone! If you asked anyone who knows me, they would describe me as NICE, FRIENDLY, and FUNNY. But for some reason, I had a funny feeling about this girl. I put it aside, thinking that I've been wrong with my impressions of people lately. Also, I want to have a great time on this trip.

We head out to breakfast at the nearby cafe. Afterwards, we start walking. Now, mind you, I have absolutely NO idea where they've decided we're going. They just start walking and talking, leaving me trailing behind like a little puppy dog. After we've walked about 7 blocks, they declare that we've headed the WRONG WAY. So we trek off into the right direction. We make it to Times Square. Wow! First thing I see is WWF New York. Awesome! HB's gonna be so jealous, I think to myself. There's a GIANT billboard of The Rock. Sweet. hehe. We head into the store where I bought HB two shirts. One of which displays The Rock's coined phrase "It Doesn't Matter!" hehe We decide that we're going to eat lunch there, but it's only 10:30, and the restaurant doesn't open until 11:30. So we walk around Times Square. Of course one of the coolest stops is right below the window where they tape TRL. AWESOME! We also visited the Planet Hollywood store. Then we headed back to WWF for Lunch.

WWF was the highlight of my morning. Everything was so exciting to look at. They had a mold of Andre the Giant's hands. They were HUGE! The menus were so cool. I mean literally! They were made of leather and metal. Apparently you can buy one for $30. Lunch was yummy also. Then came the nauseating part- Lisa flirting with the waiter. Now, don't get me wrong, flirting is cool, but she's OVERLY friendly, and then she complains afterwards about how the guy is practically all over her. Dude, you invited him to do that! So she got her kiss and picture with him and we went along on our merry way. As we're heading back to the hotel, a scalper stops on the street claiming that he has cheap broadway tickets. We already have Beauty & the Beast tickets for tonight, but Lisa wants to watch THE LION KING. So she starts to talk to the guy. He tells her that Lion King tickets are completely sold out. However, she continues to talk to him! The man looks like he's 50 and she's standing in the middle of times square flirting with him while he has his hands on her shoulders and touching her nose and everything. Disgusting.

So we leave. We start walking in the wrong direction again. Figures. Little Miss Lolita doesn't check the map! She just starts walking and 15 minutes later when she wonders why she hasn't reached her destination yet, she pulls out the map! Now, the getting lost thing really irritated me, but the most irritating thing was how she kept MY map and made all the decisions. I almost never knew where we were going and of course we always went the wrong way before getting there. But of course, in true Hamako fashion, i just put on a smile and stayed quiet.

That night we watched Beauty & the Beast on Broadway. Absolutely, breathtakingly MAGICAL. I LOVED IT! I want to take HB to see it here in SF. After the musical, we were approached by a limo driver asking us if we wanted a ride. He asked us where we wanted to go and said it would be $10 each. So of course we took him up on his offer. This is where the fun of the musical wore off. See, Lisa decided that she wanted to go to this shi-shi restaurant. Nevermind asking everyone involved if
1. Do you like eating Indian food?
2. Do you like eating overpriced Indian food?

We get there and I realize that it's an Indian restaurant. I love food, but I will not eat Liver, Blood, or Indian food. However, I don't want to ruin this for anyone else so i keep quiet and I order something anyway (stupid mistake on my part). Of course I took two bites and wasted the rest of what was basically a plate of $30 Indian Fried Rice. The bill came and man, was I pissed. $150. Yes, you read that right. I do however, want to point out the fact that we did have some fun afterwards making fun of the price of the meal and Lisa DID apologize for her poor decision (Did anyone else see that pig fly by?).

So I went to bed a little edgy and quite hungry. With hope that tomorrow would be a better day.


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