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Make that a sausage patty, TO GO.
Sat. 8.18.01 - 9:13 a.m.


I'd like to share with you something funny that just happened to me.. After I dragged myself into the shower, I decided to run to the bank and on my way back home, grab some breakfast from McDonald's. If only I knew! So I got my $ and headed to McD's. I ordered a burrito and OJ. So the gal hands me my package, and I leave. When I get to the gate of our apartment complex, I decide to open the bag. Why I didn't open it earlier, I don't know. I guess in some way I felt BAD about checking the bag right after she handed it to me? Kinda like saying "I'm gonna check this, cuz you probably screwed it up." I dunno.. but that gives you an idea of how weird my mind works. Back to the bag. There's a box in it. The kind that holds chicken nuggets. I think "Well, that's rather small to fit a burrito in it." So I open the box. And, no joke - there was a SAUSAGE PATTY in the box. You heard me right. A sausage patty. No biscuit. Just a sausage patty laying there in a box. My first thought was "Well maybe I can just make my own biscuit at home?" haha. Then I realize that we ran out of bread. blahh. So I decided to go back. After all, it's only a 5 minute drive away. The whole time i'm thinking "A SAUSAGE PATTY?" Why would anyone order such a thing?

So I get there, and by now there's a line of people. I wait ten minutes to get to a cashier. She sees me coming holding my bag and says "Oh what's wrong? Is there a problem?" Now, I'm a nice person, so I actually wasn't bitter about the whole thing. I proceed to tell her that this isn't what I ordered. I ordered a burrito. Her response? "So a burrito including this?" err.. So she yells to the back to make me a burrito. I step to the side to let someone else place their order. During my wait, an elderly man orders a sausage biscuit and some coffee. He moves to the spot beside me to let someone else place their order also. While this man is waiting there with his tray, they bring him his coffee. Then they bring him the remainder of his order. In a box. Yep, you guessed it! A SAUSAGE PATTY! haha. I guess they really do love to see you smile.

I am SO looking forward to today!


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