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The Rules
Thurs. 8.16.01 - 9:25 a.m.


Good Morning!

Man, did I have a bad day yesterday or what? I hate the blues. My hormones have been fluctuating IMMENSELY lately. This usually means that if i'm not in "I feel like a rock star" mode, then i'm all about "oh woe is me." This results in me being hard to be with, I guess. Which I should be grateful that HB loves me enough to put up with this and generally be there for me even when I sometimes don't deserve it. Cuz if you think about it, even though we love eachother and we live together, we're not married. He COULD give up. Of course I could too, but we've already established i'm the one with most of the issues. But anyway, I guess i'm starting to realize that i'm complicated. Maybe I like to complicate things, even. Hey, it's more fun this way sometimes, duncha think? blah not really, but whatever.

We talked yesterday in the car on the way home. We talked when we got home. We snuggled up on the couch and watched Friends. We laughed together. We talked some more. This morning, we talked on the way to work. We're probably going to talk again on the way home. My point? We communicated! Communication is a WONDERFUL thing. So what did we talk about? I told him how I felt. My worries, my fears, my goals. I told him what I want out of life, out of my future. And you know what? I learned a few things I didn't know before. I love learning!

So in conclusion, I feel so much better about us, even though we have a few loose ends to tie. However, i'd like to start the celebration early. and because I like lists so much, this is my list of goals for our relationship:

1. Try not to be so stubborn; give in more often.

2. Be more romantic. I'm always wishing that he were more romantic. Well, if I know that he's not a Romeo by nature, then maybe I should help him out by inspiring him.

3. Don't take each other for granted. Because we don't know how long we'll have one another. Life happens, and one day something could happen to one of us and I would want to know that I made him feel happy and loved during the time that we spent together.

4. Inspire him. I want to be supportive. This means that I need to not procrastinate so much, this will inspire him to do the same. I want us to have dreams and goals, and be strong enough to FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THEM.

5. Always say I LOVE YOU. Especially following the word goodbye.

That's it. (or at least that's all I can come up with right now- I'll let you know when I think of more.)

Well, if you'll excuse me..

*Flutters off into the clouds*


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