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Election 2000 sucks; guess i'll go eat worms!
Mon. 11.13.00 - 8:34 p.m.


As if the whole controversy in Florida isn't bad enough, now they've misplaced a ton of ballots. This election is such a joke. Grrrrr

So anywho.. Wanna hear my favorite song as a kid? =)

Nobody likes me

Ev'rybody hates me

Guess I'll go eat worms

Long, thin, slimy ones

Short, fat, juicy ones

Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.

Down goes the first one

Down goes the second one

Oh, how they wiggle and squirm

Long, thin, slimy ones

Short, fat, juicy ones

Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.

Up comes the first one

Up come the second one

Oh, how they wiggle and squirm

Long, thin, slimy ones

Short, fat, juicy ones,

Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.


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