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The Tantrum's Over
Wed. 04.21.04 - 9:07 a.m.

Feeling: indifferent
Listening: familiar hum of my computer

i think i'm done with the whole- drop to the floor kicking and screaming "i want my mommy, no fair!" deal.

I shouldn't stress over it too much i suppose. She realizes how serious the situation is and she'll make the appropriate changes, right? Everything will be fine.

I really don't feel like writing in here.. i just didn't want to leave the previous entry up. It feels weird to start talking about anything else because it all just seems so damn trivial now, ya know?

Work was actually great yesterday. I made a friend.. hopefully i'll get the chance to know her better. I could use some friends here.

M just emailed me. He gets home around midnight tonight. We still haven't found a replacement roommate but i emailed a girl this morning. Hopefully she replies.. she sounds like a great match. It's so weird to suddenly have the tables turned. All those months of looking for places to live..

yeah, you know what? i really am not in the mood to write. I'm VERY fine. just.. not in the mood to think. that's it. think. so i'm going to go take care of some things around here and maybe i'll write later or something.



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