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where the sun ISNT supposed to shine
Wed. 03.24.04 - 9:49 a.m.

Feeling: happy. stupid sunshiny weather!
Listening: birds outside my window (sounds like i'm in an effing Disney movie, eh?) goddammit.
Quote: "Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." - Hans Christian Anderson

Apparently i misread a textbook somewhere.

Apparently San Francisco ISN'T a city covered in fog. No No.. apparently San Francisco is a city so completely covered in happy sunshine that not even blinds or two layers of blankets over your head can keep the rays from blasting sunlight into your room while you lay in bed trying to catch up on some much-needed rest.

yes, apparently i misread.

Roommate M keeps saying how this weather is unbelievable. For the past two weeks now we have had nothing but beautifully warm and sunny weather. He says he hasn't seen this many days of gorgeous weather in a row.. for the past 6 years.

I admit, it was cute at first. I'd joke that SF was welcoming me with sunshine.

Now? Now, i have to tell ya it's getting pretty goddamn old. I moved to SF because i wanted to freeze to death. I get here and it's fucking beautiful. This is SO not funny, Mother Nature! Where the hell is my fog? Where is my cold freezing scarf and coat warranting weather??

I demand to see it, damnit!


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