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Anyone fancy a picnic?
Wed. 03.24.04 - 11:27 a.m.

Feeling: like an awkward little small-town kid
Listening: You'll think of me - Keith Urban

A friend of mine e-mailed me one of those 'all about me' surveys. You know, the ones that have a million different questions for you to fill out about yourself that are a TON of fun to do but not so much fun for other people to read?

Well anyway, there was a question on there that got me to thinkin' (watch out now).

The question was "Fancy dinner or picnic?"

My friend's answer was 'picnic' being that at the moment she couldn't afford fancy.

My immediate thought though.. OF COURSE A PICNIC! Do you even have to ask?!

hehe People do you not realize how much FUN picnics are? especially if it's in a field somewhere with lots of flowers and sun and.. wait, too disney again for ya? sorry. (besides, that's an excerpt from a fantasy so we won't get into that anyhow) really though, picnics are fun. plus to me, they're just more personal and casual.

and furthermore, who wants to eat in a stuffy restaurant anyhow. I'm sorry, maybe i'm gonna come across as SO a poor small-town girl here but i actually don't care. I'm admitting this right here and now.. i'm SO far from fancy it ain't even funny. I mean, i HOPE that i'm not tactless and that i still come across with grace. But i also know that for the most part.. i'm a dorky/goofy down-to-earth girl. Possibly even girl-next-door if your average girl-next-door is a silly rice-eating chick with a Hawaiian accent.

But where was I? dammit i lost my train of thought. Such a simple question and i turn it into some sort of self analytical session.

Oh, now i remember. Fancy dinner. I didn't grow up in a place where people wore suits to work every day. For the most part it IS like on Magnum PI. People DO wear Aloha shirts every day (especially on Friday as it's ALOHA FRIDAY) *bursts into song* 'it's aloha friday.. no mo' work till monday..'

*ahem* damn i'm in a weirdarse mood today aren't i?

Seriously though.. as much as i wish i could fit into any situation, truth is i'm a little uncomfortable with formal settings. I love people.. i can get along with just about anyone i think. I tend to be loud and chatty but i'm also a really shy person by nature. It takes me a while to get comfortable with someone. Combine that with the fact that i'm a simple girl with simple needs when it comes right down to it.. formal settings aren't my thing. Don't get me wrong.. i mean, i guess it's fun sometimes. I like dressing up and and i'm pretty sure i know all the right silverware but it's just SO not something i'd choose over a private picnic given the choice. you know? maybe i feel this way simply because i didn't grow up with it and haven't been exposed to it as much. i mean, i might *feel* uncomfortable at a crazy arse fancy party but i don't think that it shows. hmm.. hopefully it doesn't. Maybe i need to just go out more. hehe


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