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I went for the food
Fri. 03.26.04 - 2:55 p.m.

Feeling: SO glad i'm getting old
Listening: the way - clay aiken
Quote: "Youth is, after all, just a moment.. but it is the moment, the spark that you always carry in your heart." -Raisa Gorbachev

*shakes her head* Teenagers.

hamak0san: how was prom?
little sister: it was so much fun
little sister: but the food was really junk
hamak0san: lol who goes for the food?
hamak0san: so tell me all about it
little sister: it was like haole food
little sister: the only thing that i knew there was teriyaki, rice, and manapua
hamak0san: did you love your dress? who did your hair? did mom take pictures? did you find a camera?
hamak0san: umm.. i'm going to ignore that comment.
hamak0san: go on
little sister: at first, it was kinda junk cus there was only me and darsy on our table who didn't have dates and she was crying the whole time so i was bored
hamak0san: LMAO why was she crying?
hamak0san: haha and nice friend YOU are.. "oh my friend was crying, man i was bored"
little sister: cus she likes this 31 year old guy and she was going out with him but then her mom made them break up and her mom won't let her see him
hamak0san: umm... alrighty then
little sister: that's not what i said
little sister: i was comforting her
little sister: but she didn't really want comforting
hamak0san: hehe forget comforting. the dude is 31!
hamak0san: hehe she'll get over it
little sister: then finally we got her to dance
hamak0san: so the PROM. tell me about it.
little sister: so that's when it started getting fun
little sister: well i liked my dress
little sister: even tho i was the only one who didn't really have a prom dress
little sister: but i liked it cus i was original
hamak0san: a dress is a dress
little sister: and everyone was staring at me but i didn't mind cus i knew it was cus they liked my dress
little sister: yah
hamak0san: lol good attitude
little sister: i took lots of pictures
little sister: mom let me take her camera
little sister: actually, i just got up hehe
little sister: i didn't get home till like 1:30
hamak0san: so did you see jacob?
little sister: no
little sister: thank god
little sister: lurline was there tho
little sister: but she wasn't with him
hamak0san: they didnt go together?
little sister: no
little sister: he didn't go at all
hamak0san: did you tell him why you had told him no about going?
little sister: yah i kept telling him sorry cus i felt so bad
little sister: but it's kinda his fault too cus he had a gf at the time that he asked
little sister: i'll write everything in my diary and then u can read it
hamak0san: okay
hamak0san: gotta do some work now
hamak0san: talk to you later
little sister: k bye


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