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i'm alive. sort of.
05.25.04 - 10:53 p.m.

Feeling: tired but still in a good mood.
Listening: silence

I just got home. I AM SO HUNGRY! ugh. I seriously need to buy groceries or SOMETHING. I CAN'T KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS. My clothes? SERIOUSLY seriously falling off of me. It's really more annoying than anything, because i'm pretty sure i look like a retard, pulling my pants up every couple minutes.

So anyway. My day wasn't so bad.. I was running late, as usual these days. I just got home though and I feel so tired.

ugh! i hate it that i feel like i have no time or energy to write in here anymore. or even have anything of value to say. There's just so much going on in my head and.. i dunno, no energy or desire to let it out though i KNOW that would help relieve some of the tension i've been feeling.

this entry is pointless. argh. i'll write tomorrow or something.


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