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Out of Rhyme
Mon. 07.25.05 - 9:32 a.m.


J came to visit this weekend and we had such a blast. well, at least i think he did.. though i suppose it's quite possible that i forced him to have fun. =P

He was such a trooper, as usual. I had to work on Saturday so he got up with me at the crack of dawn to make the 3-4 hour trek to work. Yesterday, we spent a pretty good chunk of our day just walking around downtown and shopping for clothes. again, a good trooper. I think my favorite part of our visits are the funny moments. The ones where we're just hanging out, not necessarily even doing anything, just enjoying each other's company, gabbing, and he just sends me into fits of laughter at the goofy/silly/witty things he says and does.

It's funny how in the beginning, as much as i enjoyed spending time with him, i was always ok with him leaving. lately though, i've come to realize something has changed for me. last night, as strong as i was during the dreaded event of dropping him off at the airport, i was miserable. EVERYTHING reminds me of him now.

maybe it's called falling in love.

To top it off I found myself, in a moment of weakness, perusing the san diego room rental ads on craigslist last night. As much as i'd LOVE to live there, i'm not done with SF and i'm not ready to move. I just need to find a better way to deal with this long-distance. It just doesn't help with thoughts of his probable deployment in february looming over me constantly. But again, i need to find a better way to deal with the here-and-now.

heh. Over the weekend we listened to a lot of music.. and quite a bit of one of my favorite songs, "Oh" by Ciara which coincidentally, happens to be about Atlanta, where J is from (i swear i didn't know this until he pointed it out to me recently). but anywho, so i was looking up the lyrics online while the song was playing and, J being the Ludacris fan that he is, asked to see the lyrics for the part of the song he's featured in. haha cut to the last few lines and J, serious and pulling off a look of disappointment goes,

"I can't believe he just rhymed dawg with dawg."


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