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I know I just woke up, but I need a nap.
Mon. 05.03.04 - 9:43 a.m.

Feeling: like locking myself in my room and posting a permanent "Go Away" sign
Listening: M shuffling around in the kitchen
Quote: "No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."

I talked to K last night.. we did the apology thing and even though i don't feel 100% right with her i'm sure that will come at some point. I'm not going to think about it right now.

I think i woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I feel so grouchy this morning.. blahh I hope it goes away or someone is sure to get hurt today.

You THINK i'm kidding.

ARGH! and my Internet Explorer isn't working. DAMMIT!

So I came across this article through another diarist that i thought was pretty interesting:

"..people are like forks. When they do what they are not designed to do, they eventually break."

I don't know where the hell this entry is going but I needed to vent. but maybe I COMPLAIN TOO DAMN MUCH and I need to just shut up.

nah, you shut up.


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