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Pizza is Good for the Soul
Sat. 04.17.04 - 3:52 a.m.

Feeling: in a pretty good mood considering I got in about 5-6 hours of sleep
Listening: harddrive. DAMN this thing is LOUD.

I can't sleep! Ugh. It's been this way the entire week. I usually just stay in bed and wait until I get tired enough to fall back asleep but I just can't seem to pull it off tonight. I actually woke up around 3:30 because I had to shishi. I NEVER have to wake up to pee (take notes - there WILL be a test later). Seriously. I rarely pee even during the day. So when it comes to night, i sleep right through. Noise and light don't bother me either. These are qualities that come in handy, people. Who cares about useless skills like.. like being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Nope, for me, the ability to fall asleep with ease even while a pack (clan? group?) of monkeys are jumping up and down on my bed as their leader flips the light switch off and on will do. Yeah, that's what i'm talkin' 'bout.

OK that sentence was stupid. You get my point though, duncha? Seriously, fear my brain at 4am. Run. While. You. Can. (before I send my monkeys after you)

In approximately 4 hours, my arse will be hauling things out of this house and into girl-roomie's u-haul. Yep, she moves out today. We celebrated a little last night. First, we did laundry (we are SUCH party animals!). We rented a movie and bought pizza and ice cream. mmmmm pizza. I haven't eaten pizza in about 2 months- until today! (more on that a few paragraphs down)

I moved most of my stuff into girl-roomie's old bedroom today (well, yesterday, now). I LOVE THIS ROOM! It fits my stuff better. I still have one desk left in the other room but it's too heavy for me to move by myself so I think I'll wait for when M gets back and ask him to help me with it. Unless Jim shows up next week. He said he was considering sleeping over to keep me company (mostly it's an excuse to get out of his parents' house. hehe). He's also supposed to bring me his copy of The DaVinci Code. I think I may very well be the only person who HASN'T read it yet.

So funny. John called me yesterday after work to tell me that he had just discovered something about himself. "I use big words when I'm really pissed." (I think that's only in situations where he can't swear. Like at work) hehe... the man doesn't use the F word or other vulgarities. No. He throws out phrases like "It is imperative that this matter be addressed with the utmost assiduousness and rapidity." Yeah, he's a geek. And pretty effing cute at it too. Wait, did i just say that out loud?

Moving right along..

Boxers? sexy. Girls in boxers? sexier. Am I wrong? Get this. Girl-roomie was telling me this story while we were at the laundromat tonight about how last weekend, while she was visiting her fiance (he lives out of town), she forgot to bring a pair of undies with her. She refused to go without, so she asked him if she could borrow his boxers. HE FOUND THAT WEIRD AND A LITTLE GROSS. She said he gave her an old pair and when she told him she'd wash them and give them back after she was done, he told her no thanks, he didn't want them back. DOES NO ONE ELSE BUT ME FIND THAT HYSTERICAL?! hehehe.. I asked her what his deal was, to which she replied, and i quote, "He's very germ-o-phobe."


There are no words. So I think I will move on with my story of yesterday's events..

I'm starting to realize I associate food with memories. Maybe this isn't weird to some people, but it is to me. For example, ice cream. I'm not really an ice cream person but I do eat it on occasion. If it's available, i'll usually get butter pecan. While it IS good, I think the reason I really get it is because it reminds me of my grandmother. She used to take us grandkids out for ice cream every now and again. I remember her always getting butter pecan for herself. And then there's rocky road. I don't like marshmallows unless they're in my hot cocoa or roasted (and even then i can barely bring myself to eat a whole one). I also am not big on chocolate. I don't adore/crave it like most people (read: women) do unless it's that time of the month. But rocky road ice cream? yum. The thing is, I HATED that ice cream as a kid. Strawberry was my favorite growing up. Rocky road reminds me of my mom and sister. They absolutely loved it. Whenever they ate ice cream, that was usually it. I think I eat it partially because it reminds me of them. Hmm.. so I guess I've found my comfort foods. There's actually more but i'd hate to risk sounding like a pig considering I ate three slices of pizza tonight. AND ice cream. blah. Though in my defense, 2 slices were really = to 1 slice. Even though there were a lot of toppings..

Where the hell was I? Oh yes, last girls night. It actually almost ended up being 'two girls and one boy' night. Yep, that's right, girl-roomie's fiance' threw a fit because she was spending her last night WITH ME and not WITH HIM. EVEN THOUGH within 24 hours THEY WERE/ARE MOVING IN TOGETHER. Grow. The. Hell. Up. He seriously threw out the argument to her that she hasn't known me for very long. hehe.. can you tell i'm irritated by that comment? Seriously, how childish/insecure/selfish are you if you can't spare one freakin' Friday night alone from your girlfriend? I mean, it's sweet that you want to spend time with her but I seriously think it's beyond that. It's about being selfish. Immature. Wanting the universe to revolve around you. WHAT GETS ME is that he actually started this discussion with her the night before (Thurs. night) which she told me about yesterday morning. I took it as a hint that she was fishing to see if I was ok with her inviting him. I came right out and told her to invite him if she wanted to. Who am I to stop two people in love? *gag* (Bitter much? Me? Why of course not) Whatever. She emailed me yesterday afternoon to let me know that she decided on not inviting him because she really wanted a last girls night. I think she really believes that's what she wanted, but after further discussion (in the car, at the laundromat, in the kitchen, etc - man, people talk about their significant others A LOT, don't they?) I came to the conclusion that in a teeny tiny way, she decided on not inviting him because she knew how much he wanted to spend time with her. She enjoyed the idea that he missed her but that she had other plans. Hey, haven't we been here before?

But I digress.

She called him to chat for a little before the pizza arrived. Once it got here, we popped in the DVD. The movie we rented was Le Divorc�. Wait, did I say Le Divorc�? I meant Le Crapp�. The movie annoyed me from the get-go. We started it around 9pm. By 10, i couldn't take it anymore. I told girl-roomie that I was tired and off to bed I went. She wasn't upset in the least, as she was just as annoyed with the movie as I was (or maybe that's because it was keeping her from Romeo?). I had barely left the room when I heard her dialing his number.


blah. It's 5:34am now. Yes, it took me an hour and 34 minutes to type all that. Hey, I got sidetracked by email, ok? I'm not done with this entry, but I should probably try to get in a few more hours of sleep so...



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