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Fri. 04.02.04 - 9:32 p.m.

Feeling: cheerful
Listening: Here Without You - Three Doors Down

It's FREEEEEEZING here. The other night, i couldn't sleep because i was so cold. It's bad when you can't sleep becase you're shivering even though you've got three blankets. Granted i pretty much went to bed naked, but still you know. You're welcome for the mental picture by the way.

I'm sure you're wondering why one would go to bed naked if they're always cold and all i have to defend myself with is this:

i had finished my period the day before.. and for some reason, i HATED having it this time. It lasted like 8 or 9 days. Which is forever, really. So i think i was just annoyed with it so much so that when it was finally over i was like.. yay! i'm free! and wanted to express that with nakedness.

I'm weird, we know this. I need to quit giving that information out so freely.


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