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The (not quite) Masterpiece
Mon. 04.06.04 - 7:42 p.m.

Feeling: cutesy
Listening: music from M's room

Ok, so i have this thing where i hate my feet. I think they're hideous, too big, etc., etc., etc. So in an effort to "pretty" them up a bit.. i usually do my own french manicure. While i normally keep them like this all the time, i've been slacking lately.. so last night was the first time in about a month or two that i did them. It's funny how you can feel so much better about something just by refreshing it a little.. when it's essentially no different than it was before. What also surprised me was how most of my friends had the same thing to say- that they had never really seen a french manicure done on feet before. Hehe.. Girl-roomie was one of the people that told me this. I offered to do her toes, but she hates her feet more than i hate mine. haha go figure. Boy roomie said they were pretty though, so that's cool. To me, it's more like a work of art. hahhaha Hey, it took me two hours to get my lines perfect and all the coats of polish to dry.

I think i'm getting pretty good at not being so self-conscious lately. Plus i kinda want more pictures in this diary. I think it's neat how i get to show Pohae what i'm up to through pictures as well as other random strangers who may be wondering what the hell is a picture of feet doing in someone's diary. But mostly because it's just another thing for me to look back on. So check it out.. my horrible feet but not-too-shabby french manicure (oh and butterfly toe ring).


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