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Don't Hate the Playa
Mon. 04.05.04 - 6:21 p.m.

Feeling: cheery
Listening: silence

My kid sister cracks me up. She always has a high school tale to tell. Here's what i got this week:

little sis: my teacher's a witch
hamak0san: why
little sis: cus she just is
little sis: she used to be cool but not anymore
little sis: like she'll snap at us for sumtin but if (her pet) did the same thing, she would be all cool with it
little sis: i mean don't get me wrong, i like that girl but it's just not fair
little sis: today she really pissed a girl off in class
little sis: the girl was swearing and all
little sis: she really lost it
hamak0san: that's crazy
little sis: yeah and it was when we were on our way to the computer lab too
little sis: we were walking down the hall (u kno the one in A building) and kaipo was in front of the door going out and rose (that's the girl) she was like "F-K!" and then she pushed kaipo out of the way and was like "MOVE OUT OF MY F-N WAY!"
hamak0san: hehe.. that's so retarded
little sis: yah plus me and marie were behind kaipo and like when she pushed him he bumped into me and u kno how small i am too plus he's really tall (not to mention handsome =D ) so i got like knocked off my feet but kaipo caught me in time
little sis: i got kinda scared cus when she yelled i jumped and i was still kinda recovering when i got knocked over
little sis: it's a good thing kaipo has fast reflexes
little sis: i was like 3 inches from the ground
little sis: i seriously thought i was gonna get my head smashed or sumtin
little sis: marie said i went really pale when kaipo caught me
little sis: i'm still trying to figure out if it was because it was him who caught me or if it was from the near head smashing incident
little sis: =D
little sis: just kidding
hamak0san: hahhahaha
hamak0san: hehe well i'm glad you made it through alive
little sis: oh shut up!
hamak0san: lol
little sis: actually if that's possible, i think he was more scared than i was
hamak0san: heh oh yeah?
little sis: he kept looking at me and asking me if i was alright
little sis: and he wouldn't let go of my arm
little sis: not that i minded
little sis: it's like he was afraid i was gonna fly away
little sis: hehe
little sis: but what was funny tho was that marie said that i looked like a little kid and my daddy was helping me cross the road
little sis: but i told her "hey, don't hate" =D


Y: earlier your sister told me that she had a near death experience today
hamak0san: hahahahhah
Y: and then she just left without saying or explaining
hamak0san: did she now heheh
Y: so i was kinda worried and wanted to know what's going on
Y: and she told me
hamak0san: lmao
Y: at least that's better than what i assumed. i just thought that maybe some boy kissed some girls... etc.
hamak0san: ROTFLMAO

little sis: i'm still kinda shaking
little sis: but kaipo comforted me
little sis: he held my arm all the way to the computer lab
little sis: like he expected me to die right that minute
Y: where do you find the courage to go on?


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