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all in a day's work
Fri. 07.09.04 - 11:47 p.m.

Feeling: a-ok
Listening: nothing

I worked tonight and it was my first time back on the sales floor in about a week. I actually had a pretty awesome night as far as WORK is concerned. A few things out of the ordinary did happen though.

First, i was walking around downtown SF killing time before work and this dude tried to touch me. haha. I was walking down a street and saw this guy heading towards me. As soon as he saw me he stuck his hand out like he was reaching for me. It was kinda funny actually cuz i didnt think he was aiming for me. I looked behind me and there was just another guy so i looked back to the dude walking toards me and he WAS looking at me. I steered out of the way and just kept walking towards the crosswalk i was heading to. I stood there waiting for the light to change then the other guy who was behind me earlier came over to me and jokingly said "he almost got you" hehe. then we chatted for a bit and the light changed. freaking weirdos in Frisco, i tell ya.

There was something that happened at work that really upset me, despite it being a good work day. I was near the entrance to the store and this little boy.. maybe around 7 years old came over to me and asked me for the time. I thought it was a little odd that he was asking me for the time.. i wondered where his mom was but figured maybe she was standing right outside the door or something, so i told him the time and went back to work. About 20 minutes later i looked to my side and the little boy was standing about a foot next to me. I thought maybe he was waiting for his mom this time but when i looked back at him again he was looking around.. like he was looking for something. AND THEN... i saw his eyes were watery. I leaned into him and asked him if he was waiting for someone.. then he looked at me, so scared and his eyes filled up with tears and he said that he was waiting for his mom, that she had told him she was meeting him there but that he couldn't find her. God, i just wanted to grab him and give him a hug, tell him everything was going to be ok.. but figured i probably shouldn't be hugging some kid that i didn't know me. so i just touched his shoulder, asked him a few more questions. He had seen me pull out my cell phone earlier when he asked for the time so he asked if maybe he could use my phone to call his mom. I said of course and handed it to him. He called her and i heard him telling her where he was, etc. After he hung up he looked calmer and he turned to me and said that he had to go.. that he had to meet his mom now. That she was at work and that he was supposed to meet her there and stay with her till she was done with work. I asked him where his mom worked and knew where that building was (about 4 blocks away) I asked him if he knew where the building was too.. he said yes. I asked him if he'd be alright, he said yes again.. So i watched him as far as i could from the doorway, until he was out of my sight. Then i got so angry.. i can't believe his mom would just let him wander around the city like that! I swear he was only seven years old. The poor thing was so scared and teary-eyed.

It makes me so angry when people don't take care of their children. FUCK, some people in this world would give anything to have a child and some of those who DO act so irresponsibly. I LOVE children.. and i can't wait for the day i get to be a mom. But i also know that i'm not ready so even though i WANT it, I do the responsible thing. It just seems to me that some people are so selfish and irresponsible they don't think of what's best for the child. If you're not going to be an amazing parent, don't be a fucking parent at all.. because this world doesn't need any more screwed up people.

That's my rant for the day, sorry. hehe I need to go to bed. i have work tomorrow and my eye's sore. I think i need rest.


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