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Wed. 03.13.04 - 9:06 a.m.


hamak0san: you know what sucks?
hamak0san: (this has NOTHING to do with what we're talking about)
rho: bhahaha
hamak0san: it's getting kinda hard for me to lie to myself about the fact that i like john =(
rho: have you told him how you felt? :-*
rho: like...he's said he had a crush on you
rho: have you said something along those lines?
hamak0san: i don't think i have.. i mean, whenever he's said something.. i've always said.. i think you're cool too or whatever.. but one day, we were talking and he goes.. i've told you i liked you before and you didn't respond.. and that makes the person think you're not interested
hamak0san: but i don't know if that was a hint on his part. i think he knows i like him
hamak0san: i mean, it's so OBVIOUS
rho: have you learned nothing from the bachelor?? =)
rho: hahahaha
hamak0san: haha no...
rho: ok
rho: remember bachelor bob
rho: and meredith
hamak0san: hehe yeah..
rho: she totally liked him
rho: totally
rho: and they kissed and had a one on one date
rho: and had CHEMISTRY
rho: and kissed
hamak0san: uh huh..
rho: and kissed
hamak0san: lol
rho: but she didnt get a rose because she never verbalized how she felt
rho: with the 2 girls
rho: he knew exactly what they felt
hamak0san: yeah..
rho: meredith even blames herself afterwards
rho: the entire viewing audience could see and knew how she felt cuz she would tell the cameras
rho: everyone knew except for bob
rho: she said "i never really opened myself up to him and if i had, then he would have known exactly how i felt
hamak0san: blahh.. but i'm SO sure he KNOWS.. cuz i'm so like, obviously smitten.. i mean, i talk to him ALL the time
rho: bob and meredith kissed
rho: and made out
rho: hehehehe
rho: and he still didnt know
rho: hahahahaahhahaha
hamak0san: blahh
hamak0san: he said something once like "If usually assume someone�s not interested unless explicitly otherwise stated."
rho: ah
rho: he needs to be told
hamak0san: you think so?
hamak0san: *blushing*
hamak0san: blahhhh
rho: because unlike other guys he wont assume you are interested no matter how much you guys talk or how much you HINT
rho: i see you *blushing*
rho: hehehe
rho: remember bridget jones?
hamak0san: not really. hehe but tell me
rho: actually scratch that
rho: actually dont scratch
rho: she actually had to tell darcy that she liked him back
rho: and this was way after he said it to her
rho: she says "do you remember when you told me you liked me just as i am... well i wanted to tell you likewise:
rho: likewise. "
rho: i love this movie
rho: bridget jones' diary =)
hamak0san: hehe i need to rent it
hamak0san: ok..
rho: =)
rho: he has a rule of no flirting with friends who are girls. he flirts with you. so, my logic 101 class is all coming back to me now.....
rho: he likes you
rho: but i'm sure you already know that and i'm stating the obvious which makes me pretty useless at this point :-D
rho: i think you can tell
rho: yah?
rho: at this point you can tell this guy really likes you
hamak0san: but i think that.. ok fine, MAYBE he MIGHT have a teeny tiny little "likeness" for me.. BUT I also think that doesn't mean anything
hamak0san: like, i think that.. i probably like him a LOT more
rho: it means he has a crush on you
rho: and it means that you like him
hamak0san: and.. we still have yet to meet in person.. and who knows if he'll like me then too, ya know?
rho: do you want me to take you back to las vegas?
rho: ahhha
hamak0san: lol
rho: you'll never know if he will or won't unless you actually meet and see it in his eyes
rho: oooh
rho: thats so romantic
hamak0san: lol
hamak0san: ok
hamak0san: so
hamak0san: fine,
hamak0san: i'll go down in june..
rho: YAY...hoooray....we're back in business !!! DOPE
hamak0san: BUT what do i do up till then??? do i stay quiet.. cuz i'd be crushed and feel stupid if i like him.. then come june he doesn't like me
hamak0san: wait.. finish what you were gonan say
rho: every little thing he says about having a crush on you no matter how small or how big, means something
rho: its how he feels at the time he said it...and you can't discount it
rho: or make it more or less than it is
hamak0san: "at the time he said it"
hamak0san: THAT"S the part that scares me
hamak0san: cuz Y used to say that all the time
hamak0san: "this is what i feel RIGHT NOW"
hamak0san: "i don't know how i'll feel tomorrow"
rho: girl!!! you and me both
hamak0san: and that BUGS ME.. because if you KNOW, then you KNOOOOOW!
hamak0san: don't give me "this is how i feel AT THE MOMENT"
hamak0san: blahhh
rho: except my idiot ex never said i don't know how i'll feel tomorrow
hamak0san: lol
rho: anyway back to nice guys who like casey
hamak0san: ugh. can i call you? hehe i can't type anymore lol
rho: ahahah yah


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