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Stood Up
Fri. 02.20.04 - 1:05 p.m.


If you SAY you're going to be somewhere at a certain time, you should BE THERE AT THAT TIME.

hehe now i know i'm being a hypocrite cuz i've been late on occasion (just last weekend, in fact) but i really do make every attempt to be on time ALWAYS. I hate being late.

In the unfortunate event that i AM late, I ALWAYS call the person i'm meeting to let them know i'm running a bit behind, and to apologize.

So what have we learned from this, kiddies?

If you're going to be late, the LEAST YOU COULD DO is CALL!

Why would you not just be late, but leave the person to wonder where the hell you are? Have some courtesy.

You have a cell, USE IT!

*grumble grumble. concentrate on the undies*


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