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Happy Valentine's Day
Sat. 02.14.04 - 9:34 a.m.



hmm.. after receiving a few messages regarding V-Day and love in general, i'd like to stress that the previous entry wasn't directed to anyone in particular. It really was just me letting out some thoughts.. which is essentially the purpose of this here thingy.

I ALSO want to say that i don't get the single people out there who make such a big deal out of being alone on Valentine's Day. I mean, if you're so upset over being alone on Valentine's Day, chances are you don't belong in a relationship at the moment anyway. Besides, you could look at this holiday as an opportunity to show ALL your loved ones how much you care about them.

Me? I've been looking forward to spending time with myself.. and while i'm happy for everyone out there who has a significant other to share this holiday with, i wouldn't want to spend this day with anyone but myself. I really am enjoying this time alone.

Perhaps it's just another example of why i'm a dork.

Anyhow, it's Valentine's Day! There will be no yucky thoughts today.. only LOVE and HAPPINESS on this day! Make it a good one. =)



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