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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
Thurs. 02.12.04 - 5:48 p.m.


dammit where are my friends when i need them?!


so apartment guy called.. he asked me out. i said ok. but after further conversation..

i've decided blahh i don't wanna go out with him.. =(

i already knew i didn't want to have to date.. but i thought ok, maybe you should give this a try, just to see. DESPITE THE FACT that my first impression of him, although he was nice, was that i just didn't feel comfortable.. something wasn't right. After talking to him on the phone, it's been confirmed.


I don't want to date him.

I don't think we're a good match.

I don't like this feeling i have in the pit of my stomach.

=( I feel PRESSURED and SCARED and a million other feelings one shouldn't be feeling when they've just been asked out on a date by a fairly good-looking guy.



hamakosan: ahhh he just called me
Will is no longer idle at 5:00:58 PM.
Will: And?
hamakosan: still on the phone
Will: Ok...
Will: Everything ok?
hamakosan: will.. i don't like him..
hamakosan: and i don't know what to do..
Will: Why don't you like him?
hamakosan: i dunno will.. it's just a feeling i have
hamakosan: i always really good with my first impression of people.. and him, i dunno, i felt weird. he was super nice and all.. but yah, now after talking to him.. he's SO not my type
hamakosan: and i feel freaked out
Will: Well...
Will: You shouldn't. I mean...
hamakosan: blahh i already told him i would on sunday
Will: We can't possibly like every body. Has he asked you out?
hamakosan: and i feel pressured, will! i mean, he's nice.. but i dunno, i feel yeah, pressured
hamakosan: yeah
Will: So you said you are going on Sunday?
hamakosan: ugh and then he started asking questions like "where do you work?" i told him the area, but not the place.. just the type of work i do but he guessed the store. dammit. i dunno, i feel uncomfortable with him knowing that
hamakosan: he actually asked me if i wanna go grab dinner tonight, but i told him i have to work
hamakosan: yeah like an idiot i agreed to sunday
hamakosan: but he asked about sunday before we really had a chance to talk
hamakosan: so it wasn't until after we talked that i realized there's no way it's going naywhere
hamakosan: will, you know me.. i can converse with the best of em.. but this guy, i dunno what to say to him
hamakosan: there was just dead silence here and there
hamakosan: ehhh i feel like crying. blahh i hate this feeling.. that i'm pressured, the situation is out of my control, i can't say no, and i'm kinda stuck
Will: Sorry... I was reading, and now am thinking.
Will: Well...
Will: Does he know you're single?
hamakosan: yeah
hamakosan: =(
Will: You told him?
Will: Ok...
hamakosan: he's seen me with danyo, and he asked me yesterday if we broke up
hamakosan: so yeah
Will: If you were NOT going out this Sunday... what would you be doing?
hamakosan: i'd be packing
Will: I think you forgot... this Sunday is a very special day for you. Your friends asked you out... remember? You're going out to a dinner with a couple of old friends. Remember? ;-)
hamakosan: will, i'm serious.. i'm not being pessimistic on this.. 1. i REALLY am not ready for this and 2. i feel creeped out. he's not my type. blahh i know i know, EVERYONE'S not my type right now, but really he's not
Will: You can't cancel that...
hamakosan: haha i can't lie.. blahhh i suck
Will: You don't have to lie. I am not asking you to lie... you are ... rearranging a few things.
hamakosan: i think i just have to go out with him.. fuq i hope he's not plannign an all day thing.. he said 11 AM! ugh. ijust gotta go, try to have a good time.. then hopefully he'll see we're not a good match
Will: And since this rearrangement can potentially hurt someone's feelings, you are FORCED to... "improvise." Not necessarily "lie."
Will: How about this...
hamakosan: i already lied about saturday!! he asked me out on saturday but i told him i was busy.. i SO don't want the pressure of going out with someone on Valentine's day!
hamakosan: so i told him i have to work.. NOW that he knows where i work.. what if he stops by?? he creeps me out to the point where i think that's something he would do
Will: If you absolutely refuse to cancel the "date"... then... make it short. Tell him you're getting together with a bunch of old friends at... say 1 pm. I'm sure you could survive 2 hours.
hamakosan: lol
hamakosan: yeah ok i think that's a good plan
hamakosan: though he asked me what's my fav food and if i like movies.. so i'm thinkin he's planning something long
Will: Hmm... you shouldn't have told him where you work... on the other hand, he should know his limits. And if he DOES mention it to you (say, he stops by and doesn't find you there), you can easily go ahead and give him a piece of mind... let him know that he shouldn't have stopped by to begin with. That he's stepping over the line.
Will: I think so, too.
Will: So... call him NOW and tell him that you can only go out 'til 1.
hamakosan: well he said that he would call me tomorrow
hamakosan: so i'll tell him then
Will: You should tell him now.
hamakosan: ugh... will i can't.. =(
hamakosan: i'm too chicken..
hamakosan: plus he'll think it's weird that i just agreed and then changed my plans
Will: I can for you, if you want... but you and I both know that's not a good idea. So go ahead and do it, chicken :-P
hamakosan: AND... this is gonna sound SO bad.. but i don't want to talk to him =(
Will: Well...
Will: You just remembered. You see, honey, you're moving... you're looking for a new job, etc, etc, etc... you can't remember everything, ya' know?
hamakosan: ugh. he parks his car RIGHT ACROSS MY MINE! i'm gonna have to deal with him for the next 3 weeks!
hamakosan: how am i gonan do this..
hamakosan: blahh i'm so stupid how i get myself into these situations
Will: Wait... you two live close?
hamakosan: i need a shower or something.
hamakosan: YES!!!
hamakosan: he lives in my apt complex
Will: Ouch...
hamakosan: i know!!
Will: Big ouch... don't mean to discourage you. Listen, just take a deep breath, dial his number, and tell him you can only go out 'til 1 on Sunday. After that... if he asks you out again, just tell him it's not a good time... tell him you're moving, tell him you aren't on the friendliest basis with your boyfriend and have a lot of crap to deal with... and right now is just NOT a good time.
hamakosan: blahhh
hamakosan: ok ok let me get this straight
hamakosan: how about i tell him i can only do it till 2 cuz i just remembered that i have to.. what do i have to do???
Will: till 2? Hmm... no you can only do it till 1 :-P.
Will: Well...
hamakosan: that's just 2 hours.. he's gonna know something's up
hamakosan: see, if i give him 3 hours, he'll probably pick a movie, which is good cuz the room will be dark, and there's no tlaking
Will: 1) You have a phone interview at 1:45 with an employer in San Franscisco. After that your two best friends are coming over.
hamakosan: if i go with 2 hours, he'll probably pick lunch.. which means i have to EAT and talk to him. what if i have to throw up?
Will: Well... what if he gets physical? :-o
Will: lol
Will: You're cute. lol.
hamakosan: haha oh god i think you just freaked me out more with the thought of him even touching me
Will: lol
hamakosan: ahhhh my skin fels weird
Will: What if he tries to hold your hand, or worse... put his hand around his shoulder... or kiss you??? If you do go to see a movie, pick a boring none-romantic one.
hamakosan: ugh
hamakosan: what's playing that's violent?
hamakosan: lots of blood and blowing up of stuff
Will: Uhh... I don't know, but I'm sure there's at least 1.
Will: Oooooo
Will: Hey...
hamakosan: <-- creeped out
Will: I can call you while you're with him on a date and tell you you're late for our get together
Will: lol
hamakosan: i can't stop thinking about how i'm creeped out
hamakosan: LOL
Will: And you'll be like "Oh my GOD!!! I am SOOOOOOO SORRY! Oh, God, I am soooo sorry (his name), I totally forgot..."
Will: lol
hamakosan: haha
hamakosan: you're worse than me
hamakosan: along came polly. DEFINETLY NOT
Will: I am sorry, babe... but really... oh, what you can do.... you can just dial my number and don't talk ... that'll give me a hint that you need help. Then I'll call you to help ya' out.
Will: lol
hamakosan: BARBERSHOP (possiblity)
Will: EWWW romantic comedy? NONO NO... not for this date.
hamakosan: Butterfly Effect (time warping.. hmm maybe it'll give me tips on time warping to another date)
Will: lol
Will: Welll
Will: I've seen that movie.
Will: Boring as hell.... definitely will put you to sleep. Make sure you don't let your head fall on his shoulder while you're asleep.
Will: Other than that, that's a good choice.
hamakosan: yeah i think that's perfect
hamakosan: everything else is lovey dovey
hamakosan: stupid VALENTINE"S DAUY@!@!
Will: I know! *angry bum face*
hamakosan: will can i PLEASE just call him tomorrow.. i can't lie real good right now when i'm a little shaky
Will: Ok...
hamakosan: hell i can't lie real good at all, but i'm even worse when i'm weirded out.. i feel like i don't have a tight excuse
hamakosan: i need time to think one up
Will: Call him tomorrow morning, and tell him you can only go for so long... don't tell him why, unless he asks. If he does ask, tell him you have a phone interview or something like that.... don't elaborate... don't make up too many reasons... that'll give ya' away. Just sound cool... "Ehh, have a phone interview. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you yesterday.... so many things on my mind lately, I can hardly keep track of anything."
Will: That's only an example.
Will: You can come up with better reasons.
Will: Or excuses, in this case.
hamakosan: but it's a sunday. who has an interview on a sunday?
Will: I had a few over the phone on Sundays. See, I have school/work full time. I am free on the weekends only. And phone interviews are a usual way to interview people.
hamakosan: hmm good idea
hamakosan: so if i call him tomorrow.. then i can pretend that i just got the call tomorrow to set it up
Will: And... if he asks what kinda job, etc... just make something up. Don't stress so much about it. He isn't going to go tracing your foot steps with a magnifying glass. Just sound cool... relaxed.
Will: Exactly. And tell him you can't give this one up.
Will: Hmmmm .... why can't you take 15-30 minutes sitting on a bench somewhere in the park, and do it on your cell?
hamakosan: because i gave the interviewer my home phone #!
Will: Exactly.
Will: See... you came up with that answer quickly. So, if he asked you that, that's exactly what you'd tell him.
hamakosan: dude, it's easier to come up with that when i don't have to look him in the face
Will: Who said you have to look him in the face? Call him tomorrow morning.
hamakosan: yeah ok
Will: You need to take a crash course in desception... it's very easy, really. "Hello?" "Oh, hey! Good morning. What'cha up to? ... Well, I am calling to ... well, first of all to apologize for having to keep track of so many things. Ugh, moving, work, looking for a new job, plus the usual doze of drama... drives me nuts. Anyhow, I am SO sorry I forgot to tell you last night.... I can go out on Sunday, but only till 2. I have to be home by 2. Is that OK with you?" Keep your tone of voice steady... unchanged... cool... relaxed.
Will: "Why?" "Oh, well... it's another one of those phone interviews. This one sounds promising... I hope you can understand."
Will: And... you're off the hook.
hamakosan: ugh.
hamakosan: yeah ok.. i have to think about it. blah
hamakosan: get it stuck in my head
hamakosan: so i have it down pat
hamakosan: blahh i have to leave for work now
hamakosan: =(
Will: Well, whatever 'excuse' you pick... you better stick with it. Seriously, don't force yourself to go out with someone you don't like only because your moral code won't allow you to lie. PLEASE!
Will: Ok....
hamakosan: blahh yeah i know
hamakosan: fuq i need to grow thicker skin
Will: Or learn one simple thing: desception is not a sin when used properly... it's something we all do ... it's part of survival, social sabilization, so to speak. Come on, Casey!
hamakosan: haha
hamakosan: ok ok fine, you've talked me into it. I WILL LIE FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND
Will: Yes.
hamakosan: hehe ok i really do need to leave for work. blahh i hope i dun run into him


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