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Proof She Existed
Sun. 02.01.04 - 11:31 a.m.


hamakosan: you know what i hate?
ethe: mm?
hamakosan: the fact that most of the time, when i think about my grandma.. i feel like maybe in my mind i made her up... because it feels like it's been so long since she was around.. that maybe i imagined her
ethe: you miss her huh
hamakosan: and i hate that because... it makes me feel like i've forgotten her
hamakosan: you know, when she passed away..
hamakosan: that day i was in the house..
hamakosan: i went through her things.. trying to find something of her that i could touch or hold to make me feel closer
hamakosan: this is going to sound crazy..
hamakosan: but i took some hair from her brush
hamakosan: and i put it in a ziploc.. kept it in my underwear drawer for a long time..
hamakosan: but then one day i thought i was being stupid.. so i got rid of it
hamakosan: i regret doing that
hamakosan: because i would give anything now to prove that she did exist
ethe: tell me a memory you had with her
hamakosan: =)
hamakosan: thank you for asking
hamakosan: a memory..
hamakosan: i remember .. hmm maybe 5 yrs old..
hamakosan: she was trying to teach me how to write my name
hamakosan: we were sitting at the kitchen table..
hamakosan: and i was getting so frustrated cuz i couldn't do it
hamakosan: i remember saying.. "i can't do it, i can't!" heh but she kept pushing me.. "yes you can, i know you can. just try" and i'd argue back.. but she'd keep pushing..
hamakosan: she wouldn't let me give up
hamakosan: of course after some tries i got it.. and she said "see, i told you you could do it"
hamakosan: heh.. i always remembered that
hamakosan: god i was so stubborn
hamakosan: heh
ethe: baby everytime you write your name, that's proof that she existed


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