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Procrastination is My Middle Name
Wed. 01.28.04 - 12:52 p.m.


I'm a procrastinator. I hate this, i'm not proud of it. I'm trying to fix it.

Today though, i came to the conclusion that maybe i shouldn't be so hard on myself. hehe I mean, it's really not entirely my fault, all the procrastination.

Really, i'm completely serious here. There's too many things around to distract me. I have a short attention span. It's these things.. they just, pull me away from whatever i'm doing and then something else grabs my attention.. then another, and it goes on and on and before i know it i'm somewhere in the bahamas laying out on the beach, sipping some fruity drink watching the waves roll in without a care in the world. um yeah. Now before you get your undies all in a bunch, lemme give you an example:

1. My desk needs cleaning. I decide to go through the mountain of papers that have come to call my desk home.

2. As i'm cleaning, i notice the stack of Valentine's Day cards i've been meaning to fill out and mail. I figure hey, i've got a minute, I should do this now.

3. I sign a few cards when I get to a friend who just had a baby. I can't remember her son's name, but i know she just sent me an e-mail with this information in it. I go to my inbox.

4. First thing i notice is that someone signed my guestbook (it sends me an e-mail whenever someone signs). This excites me (and in the process i forget why i went to check my mail in the first place) because that means someone actually read my diary entry from this morning. But I forget this for a second, and go to my guestbook to read the message this nice person has decided to leave me.

5. I read the message, and notice that she has a diary as well. Of course i have to check her diary out! Click. Ooh while i'm here, i should leave a message for her too. Darn, she doesn't have it set up yet. But this also serves to remind me that several other people have left messages for me lately, which i have yet to reply to.

6. So yeah, you guessed it, i hop around all the other diaryland diarists' guestbooks in an effort to repay their kindness. Halfway through this (Keep in mind it's been about 30 minutes, now) i get this feeling that wait, wasn't there something i was supposed to do? hmm *think think think* oh yes! the cards.

7. I can't believe i got so sidetracked. This TOTALLY needs to make it as an entry for my diary today. Dammit. There goes another 10 minutes.

I need a new brain or something.


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