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Be Careful What You Wish For
Wed. 01.28.04 - 3:28 p.m.


Yay!!! I finally got my new cell phone. How sad is it that i've been dying without a cell for the past 3 days?! I mean, i DO have a home phone so it's not like i've been without anything. ugh. stupid technology *grumble* dependendcy *grumble* blahh.

So like, hehe how dorky am I? My new number is a 415 area code (for Frisco) and i temporarily forgot this when i went to call one of my friends (whose number is in my old area code) to let her know my new number. I was a little surprised when the guy that answered told me I had the wrong number. *thinks to herself* Hmm.. she must have changed her number. That's ok, i'll just call a mutual friend and get her number that way. hehehe.. so i call another friend AGAIN within the old area code, and AGAIN get a wrong number. hehee it finally dawned on me "duh, you idiot you're under a different area code now." blahh hehe

Oh and guess what?! Wait. If there's any kiddies around you might wanna cover their ears for this.

Ok, ready now?

Adding numbers into your cell phone is a BITCH! blahh took me like an hour!

I need to lose some friends or something. hehe


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