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Sleep Is A Waste Of Time
Tues. 01.27.04 - 4:16 p.m.


I have some time now, though just barely as i'm at work at the moment.. but UGH today has been a hard day. More of the "anything that could possibly go wrong, has" kind of day. But, i'm hanging in there.

I'm feeling a little anxious. For a lot of reasons. I have to leave work today at 5:30 p.m., run home, shower, get dressed, gather my supplies, and make it to PP at 6:30 p.m. in time to teach my class tonight. Yeah, i don't know how the hell i'm going to pull that off.. and i have no choice but to try. I'll let you know how it goes.

My biggest worry is the actual class, though. blahh i'm so nervous. I'm sure it'll go fine, but still.. i'm a worrier by nature.

I woke up late this morning. I left my clie at home, and i also forgot to take my medicine in all the madness. I'm a little worried too, because i've noticed i've been sleeping more. Last night, i fell asleep around 1:30 a.m. (after laying in bed for an hour because my mind was awake, despite the fact that my body was dead tired). I woke up around 4:30 a.m., walked around a little, but went back to bed within 20 minutes. After that, i had a restless sleep until 10 a.m.. That's about 8 hours of sleep! Yet i felt SO tired. I don't like that at all. I want to go back to getting 6 hours and feeling full of energy. blah.

To top it off, i've been rushing around all day today. Mostly because i overslept. I had to run in to PP to set up for my class tonight, then my old boss called to ask me to cover her for a few hours this afternoon (thus the reason i'm here). And my day's not even over after the class ends at 9 p.m. tonight! My friend asked me to help her with some wedding stuff. So i'll have to shoot over to her house after the class. I love being busy, but i also hate how it makes me forgetful and leaves me feeling like i haven't taken a breath all day.

Don't even ask me when i'm going to find time today to eat something. Your guess is as good as mine.

Wish me luck for tonight.



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