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Identity Crisis
Tues. 01.20.04 - 6:31 p.m.


mento gyrl: hey you know about this name, yeah?
jim: u have way too many of these
mento gyrl: lol oh if you ONLY knew
jim: identity crisis
mento gyrl: i won't argue with that
mento gyrl: hehe
mento gyrl: mostly... cuz i can't. heh
jim: dont have to be a psych major to see that heheh
jim: hmm im gonna analyze all ur sns
mento gyrl: hehe should i list them?
jim: sure
jim: itll save me some time
mento gyrl: Hamakosan
mento gyrl: mento gyrl
mento gyrl: Glitterlicious
mento gyrl: Aloha Gyrl
mento gyrl: Genu9Damsl
mento gyrl: Ryce Gyrl
mento gyrl: Hapa Gyrl
mento gyrl: HamakoBebe
mento gyrl: and umm yeah that's it i think
jim: aeiou SOMETIMES y
jim: sometimes. get it
jim: sheesh
mento gyrl: lol shut up
jim: i have no clue wat a hamako or a hapa is
mento gyrl: lol hamako is my japanese name
jim: but whats it mean
mento gyrl: hapa is someone that's half and half ethnicities.. like mixed or whatever
mento gyrl: hamako means water child
jim: ok lets begin
mento gyrl: hehe ok
jim: Hamakosan... somewhat formal. demanding of respect. saying to the world "yah i look white but im really part japanese, u bitches." a dont judge me before u know me sn
mento gyrl: hahha
mento gyrl: i love that
jim: mento gyrl... says hey i can be wild and crazy too. a/s/l? pic? cyber? its the fun sn
jim: glitterlicious... the kinky side comes out for this one. come get a taste and i promise the sparkly stuff is all non-toxic
mento gyrl: LMAO
mento gyrl: hahhaha
jim: aloha gyrl... hello? goodbye? im an enigma. try to figure me out teehhee~! ^_^
mento gyrl: lmao whatever. it's clearly ALOHA!
jim: genu9damsl... romeo romeo. wherefore art thou romeo. sorry, its the 21st century. this is the wishful thinking sn
mento gyrl: LOL
mento gyrl: oh shush k
mento gyrl: a girl can dream cant she
jim: ryce girl... i like import cars like the rest of the asians, but im cooler than them. hence spelled with the Y. the "im kinda like u but still better than u" sn
mento gyrl: lmao
mento gyrl: hehe but i kinda meant it like.. i like rice too
mento gyrl: cuz i do..
mento gyrl: lol
jim: hapa gyrl... by pointing out mixed ethnicities, i hope to capitalize on affirmative action too. not just those dirty minorites. it is the ethnocentric, angry against the world sn
mento gyrl: lmao
jim: hamakobebe... the gold-digging sn. bebe is overpriced, but i love it and u WILL buy it for me. otherwise, dont talk to me, loser
jim: analysis complete
mento gyrl: hahahha
jim: i think those were spot on
mento gyrl: lol


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