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The Bribe
Mon. 01.19.04 - 3:58 p.m.


an update on the apartment search hehe and a funny conversation all in one!

hamakosan: jim. i wanna live in nob hill
hamakosan: i wanna have cool roommates
hamakosan: please!!!
hamakosan: blahhh i just had a really cool sounding girl call me.. it's this place with i think 2 other girls.. they sound really nice.. and they live in nob hill
hamakosan: blahh i'm so sick of seeing places/emailing/calling and nothing is a match or there's just too many people looking right now cuz school's about to start soon
jim: here comes the avalanche
jim: wats so special about nob hill? u gotta walk up a damm hill
jim: i drive past it all the time and think nothing of it, except im glad i aint walking
hamakosan: lol
hamakosan: well if you must know
hamakosan: cuz of the view
hamakosan: hehe and i think it's a nice area
hamakosan: so i won't be scared to walk at night.. which i will be doing a lot
hamakosan: and it's close to everything that i want to be close to. hehe
jim: ure not safe anyways. bahahaha
hamakosan: lol why am i not safe
jim: murderous people abound
hamakosan: plus the walking the hill thing.. dude, my legs would totally get a workout hehe..
jim: ok, whatever floats ur boat heheh
jim: so hurry up n pick the one with the least strange factor
hamakosan: dude it's not about me picking.. i can pick all i want, see all the places i want.. it's up to them to pick cuz they get so many responses.. one of the places i saw, the girl said she got 60 people that answered her ad
jim: you need to show more skin or something u kno
hamakosan: haha i am NOT showing more skin
hamakosan: most of these places have girl roommates
hamakosan: so that doesn't matter
jim: girls like skin too
hamakosan: not on other girls!
hamakosan: hey i should bring you with me
jim: ahaha y
hamakosan: hehe.. bring a cute guy, then they'll be like "oh she has a cute friend, if we let her live here.. then maybe he'll come visit too"
jim: pssh, not on nob hill. parking is a bitch there
hamakosan: haha ok that's it. it's settled. you're coming with me next time
hamakosan: haha i know man.. we had to park way the hell over by the fairmont
hamakosan: took us an hour to find parking
jim: next to the park?
jim: i like that park
hamakosan: i dunno.. what park is that?
jim: right in front of the fairmont
jim: dunno the name
jim: the park used to rest ur ass when walking up the hill
hamakosan: hahhaa
hamakosan: that hill ain't too bad.. i'd get used to it in time
hamakosan: hehe but damn my thighs and calves have been sore since yesterday
hamakosan: mostly gone today though
jim: man, u flatland living mofos
hamakosan: lol
hamakosan: you should talk. you live in san jose too
jim: yah but im stilll used to sf streets
jim: i used to climb one of the steepest streets in the city everyday after middle school
hamakosan: hehe
jim: not cuz it was fun or anything, but cuz we were idiots
hamakosan: lol
jim: once u get moved in, we�re gonna have to have some kinda rivalry, with u on the east side n all
hamakosan: haha bring it on
hamakosan: why the hell do you guys always wanna know if the girls are lez? Here�s what danyo had to say:

hamakosan: can you come to sf with me tonight? to see a place?
hamakosan: it's a place with 3 girls.. hehe might be worth your while!
Wanderer: time?
hamakosan: whenever you want
hamakosan: but it's in nob hill.. where parking sucks.. do you think that we could leave sj at 6/630?
Wanderer: possible
Wanderer: are they lesbians?
hamakosan: ok.. so how about i tell them i could see them at 8
hamakosan: lol no they're not lesbians
Wanderer: how about bi?

jim: pretty cool
jim: hmm. 3 bedroom apt. 3 girls already. my guess is 2 r getting it on
hamakosan: ugh!!!!!! (on the phone with her again)
hamakosan: she's SO nice
hamakosan: i want this place jim..
hamakosan: hehe i should bribe them
jim: yes u should
hamakosan: with like.. cookies or something "see, if you pick me.. you get stuff like this all the time!"
jim: ahaha
hamakosan: hehe man i totally should do that
jim: lesbians dont like cookies. they like pie
jim: u have much to learn
hamakosan: haha you're all sick, you know?
hamakosan: fricken one-track minds i tell you
jim: heheh


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