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2003: Year In Review
Wed. 12.31.03 - 9:01 p.m.


While trying to write a summary of everything that i've been through in the past year, I realized that most of the eventful things happened in the latter half of the year. Some would argue this is simply because i probably can't remember the first half of the year, but i beg to differ. hehe. Either way, here's a quick list of what I have been through in 2003 (list-style, cuz that's the way we do things around here in Hamakoville):

1. I officially became an aunty. His name is Zachary David Makana and his birthday is six days after mine.

2. I went to Hawaii in Sept/Oct. I hadn't been home in a year and 9 months. That's the longest i've ever stayed away from Hawaii.. and i have to admit it was driving me insane, being away. My visit was a little over a month and I enjoyed every second of it. I got to see my nephew for the first time; it was love at first sight. I also got to spend a few days with my best friend on O'ahu and ate all the food that i've been missing but can't get in California.

3. I've started talking to my dad again. Because well, basically, i had no choice.. he hunted me down while i was in hawaii. I'm pretty sure i'm still upset with him, but i don't have the energy to go there anymore and it's hard work staying mad at him when despite all his f-ups, he still manages to say some pretty sweet "#1 Dad" things every once in a while, like letting me know how beautiful or smart i am and that he'll always be proud of me.

4. I've started talking to my step-sister again as well. The last time we talked was four years ago where she came to visit in Hawaii and succeeded in turning a mutual friend against me. Though i have to admit I'm actually quite glad that friend isn't in my life anymore, so i suppose i should be grateful. My step-sister called me last month to say that she was sorry for the way she acted, and wanted to patch things up and move forward because anything else was just childish and not worth the time. I agree.

5. I discovered that i haven't been going crazy, that I actually have Hypothyroidism. My period decided to disappear for four months and after fighting with several doctors to take a damn look at me, they discovered my thyroid wasn't doin its job. Apparently i will have to take medicine for it the rest of my life and get blood tests every so often, but at least i know what's wrong with me now and like a friend of mine so brilliantly pointed out.. there are worse medications i could be on. hehe

6. I broke up with my boyfriend of four years in November. Ugh, that's an entry in itself. Oh wait, there already is one. It's only been a month and a half since the breakup.. and I can already tell that it was the best decision i've ever made for myself. I've learned SO much from this experience.

7. I met a guy, Ethan, who changed my life in all sorts of ways. He taught me to have more confidence in myself and to have faith in my abilities. He showed me all of the great qualities i posess. He also taught me never to settle for less than what i deserve. It was a complicated relationship and although it's over, i wouldn't trade the experience for the world. The good outweighed the bad in my opinion, and i'm holding out hope that we'll find a way to stay friends...

8. I lost 20 lbs. Not including the 160 i lost when i got rid of the ex. Yay me!

9. I finally picked a major that i love and am certain to stick with: Advertising. All thanks to Ethan, yet again.

10. I've decided to move to San Francisco.. and although i'm still working on the job & apartment search, i'm hopeful i won't screw this up. I've always wanted to live there.. so i'm happy that i'm finally making an attempt at getting some of the things that i've always wanted but never had the courage to seek.

11. I quit working at KS. However, I will still teach classes there a few times a month, as a contractor. I'm also going to be teaching classes at another scrapbook store here in San Jose. I think it'll be fun, plus it guarantees that I get to be in San Jose at least twice a month so i won't miss it and my friends too much.

And that's where my life is at on the last day of 2003. Can't wait to see what 2004 will bring. IT'S THE YEAR OF THE MONKEY! My year, baby!


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