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Hate is a strong word
Sat. 12.20.03 - 4:21 p.m.


ok you know what? he really is an ass.

Ex: Hey, do you hate me?
Me: no, of course not!
Ex: you sure?
Me: yes.. why would i hate you?
Ex: Because i hate you.

Then, as he pats me on the back and walks away leaving me in shock, he throws a "just kidding" over his shoulder.

There's just some things that aren't funny, and that is definitely one of them.

ugh he's driving me insane. we were fine the past week or two. but he's at it again- one minute he's nice.. and the next he's a complete prick. more often than not he's the latter. the sad thing is i'm finding myself tiptoeing on eggshells around him. watching what i say or going against what i really want because i don't want to upset him. the truth is that i'm stuck living here till i find something else. i hate myself for being in this situation. i hate myself for becoming so dependent on another person. i hate myself for being such a procrastinator that i haven't even finished my resume. i hate that i'm now seeing a side to him that i never saw before. He's being manipulative, childish and selfish. I feel like he's only happy when i'm miserable or trying to please him in an effort to keep the peace.

blahh. now he's all cheerful again and wants to go get some food. ugh i gotta go..


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