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It's no fun being sick
Wed. 10.03.01 - 6:05 p.m.


I'm sick. not sniffle sick. The kind of sick caused by germs that have no sympathy WHATSOEVER. It all started yesterday morning. I woke up with a sore throat. It was just a little thing, so I wasn't worried because I figured it would before the morning was over. Well, it didn't. By last night, I knew I was coming down with something because my throat started hurting more. I checked out my throat in the bathroom mirror. I was horrified to see these "pimple-looking" bumps on the back of my tongue. I was immediately certain that I was suffering from strep throat. Somehow, I managed to calm myself down and get some sleep for the night.

This morning, I called my doctor and was able to get an appointment for this afternoon.

Now, did anyone besides me NOT know that there are bumps on the back of your tongue? Like, really huge bumps. Well let me tell you, they're there!

I kinda felt like an idiot after my doctor pointed out the fact that those bumps were normal. At first I tried to convince her that even if their presence was normal, their appearance was not. I don't think she believed my idea of the bumps being swollen. hehe

Anyways, my glands are swollen and it turns out I have a viral infection. She put me on antibiotics and did a throat culture. Right now, I feel like i've been hit by a truck. My throat hurts, my head hurts, my nose hurts, and I feel like crying.

It's no fun being sick.


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