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Monkeyin' Around
Mon. 8.06.01 - 11:49 a.m.


Go See Rush Hour 2! Now! Go I say! Dude, that movie ROCKS. Personally, I think it's better than the first. And I loved the first. But this is just too good! And I LOVED the outtakes at the ending.

I won't ruin the movie for you, but my favorite outtake was when Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are doing a scene and all of a sudden you hear a cell phone ringing and it's Chris's phone! Jackie has this look of bewilderment on his face. Then Chris ANSWERS THE PHONE! haha and Jackie's like.. uhm hello! we're filming!
Chris says "Hey.. I'm filming.. yeah.. call me back.. call me back at.. what? Yeah, I'm filming right now.. I'm standing right in front of Jackie Chan.. we're filming! No you can't speak to Jackie Chan!"
::hands the phone to Jackie::
"Uhm. they wanna speak to you" LOL
You should have seen the look on Jackie Chan's face. HILARIOUS as he tells the person "We're filming! You're wasting our film!"
too funny I tell you!

GO SEE RUSH HOUR 2! So anyways, that was on Saturday. After that we snuck into Planet of the Apes. We missed about the first 20 minutes of it, but honestly, I'm glad we did. Sorry people, I know Tim Burton is the man that brought us "The Nightmare Before Christmas," but this movie sucks! Maybe i'm just not a Sci-Fi type of person. But that was one weird ending. DON'T GO SEE PLANET OF THE APES! hehe..

Anywho.. HB had to go to Boston on a business trip. I dropped him off at the airport this morning. I'm looking at this as a blessing in disguise. He gets to have a mini-vacation, and we get some time alone to ourselves. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And I miss him already. But see.. I WORRY! I worry so much about my loved ones.. and I'm so worried about planes! Dude, you have no control over them. Aside from all that, I honestly am happy for him that he's at such a young age and he is entrusted with this type of responibility.

And without further adieu, PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!



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