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Dakine stuff.. ladat.
Fri. 7.27.01 - 8:18 p.m.


It's Friday! Yay! and "Friends" was funny as expected. I love that show!

I'm so excited! HB and I are planning on going back home to Hawaii in November for Thanksgiving. He wants to go back home to Vietnam around that time also though. So we need to decide how we're gonna work that out. Also! there's a possibility that i'll be visiting New York City in September. A friend asked me to go, although her plans aren't definite yet. I'll know for sure in two weeks. So, i've put in my request for vacation. I hope it gets approved! :::crosses her fingers:::

I have so much shtuff to do this weekend! I have to go to the Orthodontist (Yay! I can't wait to get these braces off. I think I just have 2 months left!) Then I have a whole bunch of housework to do, and I need to mail my kid sister her birthday present. Blahhh to loose ends, I say!

haha, A co-worker sent me this funny e-mail:

"You know you're from Hawai'i if..."

The kicker was when I got to #28. "if you pronounce it as "shtress" and I actually said the word out loud to see if I really do say it that way.. and I do! Too funny!!



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