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wicked nervous
Wed. 08.25.04 - 11:42 a.m.

Feeling: butterflies
Listening: music from roomie's room
Quote: "When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of 2 characters. One represents danger, the other, opportunity." -JFK

Boston Boston Boston..

heh ok here's the dealio. I knew Ethe was a flake so i had a backup plan in mind.

I thought long and hard about postponing the trip; John suggested I push it back to when he or Monkey is in town but I decided that it might be kind of nice to go alone.. plus i refuse to let a little setback spoil my plans. I'm staying with 3 of Monkey's buddies from high school. I feel a little nervous, but maybe it won't be so bad. Two of the guys will be gone until Sunday so there's just going to be me and D and he's a grad student so I'm sure he'll be busy.. i'll be alone most of the time. I'm not so concerned with being alone.. it's just learning how to get around, ya know?

I also made a friend a few weeks ago from out here who just left (yesterday) for grad school at M|T (what an effing coincidence, huh? geez) so we're supposed to meet up one day this weekend.

ANYWAY.. i'm excited and HELLA nervous.. (or maybe i mean WICKED nervous). I AM hurt that things ended like this with ethe, but whatever. He made his choice and I refuse to be devastated by it or allow it to foreshadow something that means a lot to me (this trip).

So i'm going. Wish me luck that I don't get lost. =P


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