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the south
Mon. 05.08.06 - 10:31 p.m.


Guess where I went last week? hmm or was it the week before that? Man, am *I* losing track of days. Anywho. The answer to that would be ALABAMA. Now what would a girl from Hawaii, who's been transplanted to San Francisco, be doing in the South, you ask? Well of course the answer to THAT would be scrapbooking!

Like, duh.

Here's the funny thing. I don't think i took a single freakin' picture of the scenery, as i pretty much spent the entire weekend in the conference rooms at the hotel. Sweet, eh? I know, i live the life of a rockstar.

Moving right along.

Whoever thought it would be a great idea to build an airport RIGHT NEXT to a cemetery so that anyone attempting to ENTER the airport would have to go THROUGH the cemetery... must not have really thought it through. Don't know about you, but a cemetery sharing space with an airport doesn't fill me with a warm, fuzzy feelin'.

Peace out kiddies.

Oh wait actually, here's a shot of me in my hotel room because when i am bored, i take pictures of things. and when i can't find things to take pictures of (perhaps maybe because i ATE all of the red velvet cake?), the camera points to me in a game i like to call "let's see if i can trick the camera into making me look cute for two seconds."

Peace out for reals now.


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