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Lost. In more ways than one.
Sun. 05.23.04 - 9:04 a.m.

Feeling: dreading work, can't wait until Friday. YES, i DO mean Friday.
Listening: silence
Quote: Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere is that none of it has tried to contact us.

Funny story. In an oh my god I can't believe how I get myself into these situations kind of way.

So I needed to go to SJ to see the doc and teach a class on Thursday. I took the train down (for the first time to that particular station). Long story short, I ended up running late and called my friend to ask her to take me to the doc as i was already running late and the bus would take longer. She wasn't home. I called the only other person I could think of- Y. He said ok, so i explained to him where the train station was. Or at least, where I THOUGHT the train station was.

Cut to... 15 minutes later. I realize i gave him the wrong directions. I also realize i have NO CLUE how to explain to him how to get to the station i'm at. I do, however, have a general idea of where i'm at.. so i decide to walk down the street.. figure i'll hit a major street eventually, making it easier for him to find me.

Cut to... another 15 minutes later. NO EFFING CLUE WHERE I'M AT, the neighborhood is ghetto and SCARY.. i look like some lost prissy white girl scared shitless carrying her stupid art supplies. I call Thai, as she grew up in SJ, she knows the area well. I try to explain to her where i'm at and she gives me instructions to give to Y, to find me. I call him, tell him where to go. Scratch that. I tell him where to go IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.

About 45 minutes of this, i'm practically in tears, more frustrated that i'm an hour late for my doctor's appointment than anything. So what if this neighborhood is scary as hell. So what if a few people are looking at me like i was just dropped out of spaceship and they can't wait to disect me.

Thai calls me back. "Has he found you yet?" "no." "ok i'm coming to get you. I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

Yes, i'm a freakin hopeless retarded loser. AND I suck. In the very not-so-good way.

I called my sister to keep me company over the phone while I waited for Thai to show up.

sister: hello.

me: yeah um, you'd better not be busy because you're going to keep me company for a bit.

sister: *laugh* why? what's up?

me: *explains the situation* so i need you to keep me company. i'm lost in ghettoville and i'm scared and i could SO get abducted right now and no one would know. or care. hey, if you hear me scream. i've been abducted; so call the police ok?

sister: haha

me: i'm not kidding, dammit! A couple of blocks ago i came across a NAKED doll on the sidewalk. NAKED. With her ARM AND HER HEAD MISSING.


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