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Fri. 05.07.04 - 10:36 p.m.

Feeling: very very tired. my feet hurt. hehe
Listening: argh. phone ringing- guess i don't get to go to bed as soon as i thought
Quote: "you are living when you love and are loved in return. all the other times you're just existing." -Will

Will called me about an hour ago.. we talked about a lot of things but one thing in particular, something that he said.. struck me.

He was talking about his first girlfriend. How they were friends at first and he always felt like she was the only person that really accepted him. He went on to say how the very first time she ever asked him to call her, he was really hesitant. He told her he didn't think it was a good idea. She didn't understand.

Then he said something i didn't expect.

"I knew, that as soon as I heard her voice, as soon as i made that connection, she'd have me. It would be real and you can't hide from reality."

For some reason, that got to me.


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